ISPConfig 3 how to renew RapidSSL certificate

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Petar, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. Petar

    Petar Member HowtoForge Supporter

    My certificate has expired.
    I cannot access my website with https. (http force forwards to https)
    In the SSL tab in ISPc i have:
    1. Save certificate
    2. Create certificate
    3. Delete Certificate

    All the fields: SSL Key, SSL Request, SSL Certificate, SSL Bundle are filled with the data from the previous certificate.
    Should i delete or create or what is the procedure to renew my certificate?
    Should i send to RapidSSL the same data from SSL Request field?
    What is the correct procedure (like explained to a Dummie)

    Its very hard for me that all the friends which are forwarded to my site for the new year best wishes, cannot even open it...

    Thank you in advance for your help...
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) copy the data from the csr field and send it to rapidssl.
    2) copy the ssl cert that you get back from them into the ssl cert field.
    3) In case the ssl bundle has changed, replace that as well.
    4) choose 'save certificate' in the action field and press save.

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