ISPConfig 3 installed on Debian Lenny... and now... how to create a site?

Discussion in 'General' started by manarak, May 11, 2009.

  1. manarak

    manarak Member

    I'm done with installing lenny and ISPC3 as described in Falko's tutorial (thank you!)
    Additionally, I installed Mod Security 2.

    The server is on my home network @

    Oddly, gives "Bad Request"

    I could not find any user documentation for ISPConfig3
    How do I create a functional site under ISPConfig?

    It needs:
    FTP, Mail, a MySQL DB, PHP, Stats
    (Does ISPC handle the default DNS settings)?

    I would like to make the site the default site shown when one of the server's IP addresses is typed in (the server will have 2 addresses in future).
    Now, the site should show when is typed in.

    Thank you for your help!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) There is no user documentation for ispconfig 3.
    2) Creating a site is really easy, click on sites in the upper menu, then on the new site button and enter the details like domain name etc. Then click on save.
  3. sighkick

    sighkick New Member

    User Documentation Progress


    What sort of timeframe are we looking at for the Definitive User Guide for ISPConfig 3 ?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The manual is available when someone writes it. I posted already that I dont have the time to do it and there are more then 60 other developers in this project and thousands of users who are able to write it too but there are only very few poeple who seem to miss a manual at all as ispconfig 3 is really self explaining, so it may take some time until someone starts to write a manual.
  5. manarak

    manarak Member

    I think a short summary of the most tricky topics for people who already have some experience but are not familiar with ISC would be sufficent.

    - IP settings
    - DNS settings
    - vhost.conf
    - settings for running PHP as cgi, fast cgi, mod...
  6. pinguinito

    pinguinito Member

    website in ispconfig3

    Skip to the navigation. Skip to the content. LOGOUT
    ISPConfig 3
    hosting control panel

    * Sites

    Web Domain

    * Domain
    * Redirect
    * SSL
    * Stats
    * Options

    Linux User web6
    Linux Group client0
    Apache directives <Directory /var/www/> AllowOverride All </Directory>
    Save Back

    Powered by ISPConfig

    I am crated a web site in my ispconfig... in the options to pude Directory It dont's show me the Directory root for the new web site

    Apache directives <Directory /var/www/> AllowOverride All

    that one I wried on the box. the first web site I make the system "ispconfig" show me the directory root where the website will be and them like and obtion /var/www/. not in this time where I am wrong ??
  7. manarak

    manarak Member

    I think a short summary of the most tricky topics for people who already have some experience but are not familiar with ISC would be sufficent.

    - IP settings for the server
    - DNS server settings
    - DNS settings for sites
    - where to adjust vhost.conf
    - where to setup cron jobs
    - how to authorize external access to mysql databases (over a port)
    - explanation of settings for running PHP as cgi, fast cgi, mod...

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