Hello, I have been modifying the 'Perfect Server' script for OpenSUSE 11.3, and found the following problems. I'm using the latest ISPConfig SVN. run-getmail.sh doesn't want to get executed, /var/log/messages says: /usr/sbin/cron[17880]: Permission denied. Strangely enough, my previous very similar installation on 11.2 (also with the SVN) works correctly. Upon installation, the following is seen: ... Reconfigure Permissions in master database? (yes,no) [no]: yes PHP Notice: Undefined variable: hosts in /tmp/trunk/install/lib/installer_base.lib.php on line 310 Reconfigure Services? (yes,no) [yes]: yes .... Mail filters do not get updated. Upon creating a mail filter for the e-mail box, no files or directories are created in /var/vmail/mailfilters. I couldn't make AWstats work. I assume, this functionality is still in development.
1) Please check that you have security extensions like selinux and apparmor diabled as it may prevent the excution from scripts like getmail.sh 2) You have a wrong error reporting setting in php.ini. ISPConfig requires this error reporting level: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE Thats ok. Mailfilters in a dovecot setup are not in this location. Dovecot mailfilters are in the .sieve file which is in the maildir. No, its finished and working on my servers. Please check the paths to the awstats files in the server settings.
Hello, Apparmor and selinux are turned off. However run-getmail.sh still reports permission denied. This looks a SuSE problem somehow, because even replacing it with /bin/bash -c echo "Hello" would result in permission denied. Thanks, George.
- Does the getmail user exist in /etc/passwd? - Is the run-getmail.sh file owned by user getmail? - If you run "su getmail" and then execute the run-getmail.sh file manually, which error do you get?
getmail user exists in /etc/passwd File run-getmail.sh is owned by getmail:ispconfig, and is rwxr--r-- If I run su getmail, I was getting this: virt:/srv/www/truepianos.com/web/private # su getmail su: incorrect password Thank you for the hint, running "passwd getmail" and setting it a password fixed the problem. I wonder, if this can be automated somehow within ISPconfig, and whether there can be any other parts of ISPconfig, where this may occur.
The user getmail shall not have a password as it is a passwordless system account. Giving him a password will make the setup less secure and might allow external attacks on this account. There must be a different way to get around the changes in opensuse that causes this problem as it works without password in all linux distriubutions and versions.
The situation is like this. /etc/shadow by default contains this line: getmail:!:14807:0:99999:7::: In the password field there is an exclamation sign. If I replace the exclamation sign with '*', like for mysql user, then everything starts to work. ispapps, ispconfig and web1 users also have an exclamation sign in their password field. I wonder, should it affect any functionality of ispconfig? The exclamation sign doesn't seem to be a problem with OpenSuSE 11.2, but 11.3 somehow make cron react to it like this. Here is a part of the original shadow file: tss:!:14807:0:99999:7::: vmail:*:14807:0:99999:7::: vscan:*:14807:0:99999:7::: mysql:*:14807:0:99999:7::: getmail:!:14807:0:99999:7::: ispapps:!:14807:0:99999:7::: ispconfig:!:14807:0:99999:7::: web1:!:14807:0:99999:7::: dnsmasq:*:14808:0:99999:7::: ntop:*:14810:0:99999:7:::
Would it be possible also to look about mailfilters, because they don't seem to be installed into /var/vmail/mailfilters/domain.com/user Just an empty mailfilters directory exists there.
Check in ispconfig system > server config on the mail tab that "maildrop" is selected as mailfilter syntax and that courier is selected as pop3 / imap daemon.
Just one more thing. I'm testing here awstats. Looks like awstats files are created readable for all. Both /var/cache/awstats (awstats database directory) and /srv/www/mydomain.com/web/stats/* are root:root and are world-readable (rw-r--r--). Maybe some chmod/chown inside ispconfig would be beneficial?
Today I had the same problem with creating the mailfilters due ispconfig3. The mailfilter was not created automatically and the mailfilters directory was clean. After some research, I have founded out that the maildrop plugin was not correct enabled. Maybe a problem on a update or install script? Im not sure, because i had to update after i have installed the system^^. A simple softlink fixes the problem Code: ln -s /usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-available/maildrop_plugin.inc.php /usr/local/ispconfig/server/plugins-enabled/maildrop_plugin.inc.php P.S.: I am using Courier with maildrop and currently ISPConfig
There must be a dovecot binary on your system which prevented the activation of the courier plugin. Please ensure that you completely uninstalled dovecot, just deactivating dovecot is not enough.
Thank for the reply @till. No, dovecot was never installed on this system. I have used a clean rollout of a minimal centos 5.5 x64 system. Courier was detected fine in the installation process of ispconfig, only the maildrop plugin was not enabled.