ISPCONFIG 3 Lenny Tutorial FAQ Collection

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by medienlounge, Jul 8, 2009.

  1. medienlounge

    medienlounge New Member

    Hi there,
    i´m just thinking about a collection of FAQ´s related to that tutorial.

    i had to figure out a few things after installing the server and let clients on the server.

    the last thing right now was the "htaccess" problem.

    on some systems like drupal (the thread here helped me) an magento you need special rewrite directives.

    another thing ist that sometimes mysql users can´t access via phpmyadmin till i change there again the password.

    did someone experience also that every users sees the "information_scheme" table (in read only) but that cunfuses some users.

    hope some people here like to help build up a later document in which problems are collected and we have a single "solution finder" perhaps with links to the thread with the answer in the tutorial.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's normal and nothing to worry about. I think you can modify the config.php of phpMyAdmin to not display that database anymore.
  3. medienlounge

    medienlounge New Member

    ok, thanks for the answer -
    but as is seems no one is interested in a "faq" an problems collection in that everybody rans when starting with the system?

    because i searched today for subdomains and rewriting, that is an "known issue" here .....

    don´t know - was just a suggestion, or i must start the document, but es no one said it would be interesting .... :)

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