ISPConfig 3 mail import from ISPConfig 2

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by -crisstm-, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. -crisstm-

    -crisstm- Banned

    i've change my server control panel from ISPConfig 2 to ISPConfig 3.
    I have save all web mails from old server and now i want to import mail's in new server , but didn't work.
    i tried to copy all mails from Maildir, and i have change the permission of hole folder /vmail with "chmod -R vmail:vmail /var/vmail".
    How is the method to import all my clients emails from old server?
  2. -crisstm-

    -crisstm- Banned

    nobody answer to this forum?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You can copy the emails from the old to the new server as ispconfig 2 aqnd 3 both use maildir format. I've done this on several client servers and it worked well for me, if it dont work for you, then you most likely copied the email files into the wrong directory.
  4. -crisstm-

    -crisstm- Banned

    Thank's for answer Till,

    i have copied all mail's files in the same folder.
    For example in ISPConfig 2 the folder for mail was:
    /var/www/www.domain.tld/user/mailname/ and here i get 3 folders
    cur new tmp
    In ISPConfig 3 folder for mail is:
    and here i have the same 3 folders cur new tmp.
    I copied from new to new, and then when i check with thunderbird client i get some errors
  5. hsluis

    hsluis New Member

    How do you resolve?

    Hello crisstm, in this month I will be migrating ispconfig 2 to ispconfig 3. I'm reading the forum post to see what I have to do.

    How do you resolve the mail problems? And what recomendation do you have to make the migration?

  6. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    Hi. Could we move from cPanel's Roundcube to ISPConfig's RoundCube using this method you mentioned?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Emails are not stored in RoundCube, RoundCube is just an email client that shows the servers emails. So, if you want to move email accounts from cPanel to ISPConfig, this topic is not about RoundCube. It is about migration emails from cPanel to ISPConfig; the mail client that you use to access them later does not matter for the migration. You can use the ISPConfig Migration Tool to migrate a cPanel server to ISPConfig:
  8. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, the Migration Tool requires that you have root access. Without root access, you can e.g. create the new accounts manually in ISPConfig and then use a tool like imapcopy or imapsync to copy over the emails.
  10. Waqas Saeed

    Waqas Saeed Member

    Yes! I am able to do it via this method. Also, imapsync works fine with ISPconfig3!

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