ISPConfig 3 & nginx - using own nginx configuration possible/recommended?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by itsolon, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. itsolon

    itsolon Member

    Hello together.
    as far as i know
    ISPConfig has base template 'nano nginx_vhost.conf.master' for nginx vhost files in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf.
    and ISPConfig allows customers to have own template if you put copy of that file to
    /usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf-custom then you can edit and its update safe.

    from that point everytime you set up a new domain inside then the vhost file is made with that template + directives from admin

    if you look for configuring your software to run with nginx like i do at the moment with owncloud 10.0.7 they have nice advice to have nginx file with all neccessary directives.

    but when i copy those things into ispconfig admin then i have the basic config lines from master template plus the one i entered (sometimes double)

    i got some support from till where i could learn that, for example you can delete some of the basic rules with having kind of following lines in your ispconfig
    location ~ \.php$ { ##delete##
    location @php { ##delete##

    this seems to delete already in the masterfile existing directives

    is it recommended/possible to edit whole file on my own for some domains? including server directives port listen etc.

    in other words: is it possible to switch off this "autoconfig" only for one domain?

    Best regards
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. If you want to have a vhost that is not managed by ISPConfig, then you'll have to create that manually outside of ISPConfig.

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