ISPconfig 3 or 2?

Discussion in 'General' started by oriongr, May 19, 2009.

  1. oriongr

    oriongr Member

    Hi all,
    it is quite generic question. I am using ISPconfig 2 for quite long time. I am happy with it. I know it and it covers my needs.

    I have a new installation coming up and I was thinking to go for ISPconfig 3 (actually it is a consolidation of two servers to one).
    Should I go?
    For how long you will support version 2?
    I know version 3 it is quite stable and I like the changes...
    What is your opinion?

  2. manarak

    manarak Member

    obviously ispconfig 2 since nobody seems to be able to answer questions on how to use ispconfig 3...
  3. planet_fox

    planet_fox Member HowtoForge Supporter

    For how long you will support version 2?

    The Support and develompnent of ISP2 is not stoped or finished in next time.

    ISP3 is a new System for Multiple Server Hosting and virtual user.
  4. ago2guy

    ago2guy New Member

    I always have a hard time with that statement. If ISPconfig 3 is new, why is it version 3... that happens when version 2 moves to the next iteration, does it move to version 4?

    If the roadmap has changed, then fine. ISPconf3 is a good product and can stand on its own as a separate product ( I voted for it :D ) It is clearly taking a different path ( i.e no resellers etc.)

    Documentation is a large problem at this point and if you do not have the chops to hunt down issues I would suggest sticking with version 2 for a while longer.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    We have room for hundreds or thousands of versions behind 2.x.x

    ISPConfig 3 has resellers. A client which has its own (sub) clients is a reseller.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Quite funny. And why there are hundreds of answers then here in the forums for questions about how to use and install ispconfig 3.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If ISPConfig 2 covers your needs then there is no reason to update. ISPConfig 3 is made for multiserver setups.

    if you want to use the advanced email features of ispconfig 3, then yes. If the system user setup of ispconfig 2 fullfills all your needs, stay with ispconfig 2.

  8. manarak

    manarak Member

    I know, I posted that out of frustration because I don't get answers on my questions, which are probably too simple...
    But still no answer :-(
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This is a free software forum and not a paid support. So it may take some time that you get an answer. If you want to get paid support, then take a look at the ispconfig support page and dont complain here were poeple are answering your questions in their free time!
  10. oriongr

    oriongr Member

    Thanks Till
    that cleared the air for me!

    Keep up the perfect work!
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Till and I are only humans, and our days only have 24 hours. We're writing ISPConfig for free, we've answered thousands of questions for free in this forum, and we've written hundreds of tutorials for free. And we still got a life. I guess there are not that many people who have contributed that big to the open-source community. I'm sometimes missing some gratitude in this forum which is quite frustrating. Lots of people like to take, but only few try to give something back. :(
  12. manarak

    manarak Member

    Thanks to you an Till for doing that great tool.
    Again, I wrote that out of frustration, sorry.

    If you look here
    you'll see that I am trying to give something back, but there are 40 views and no reply.

    I'll put something together at the end - probably I'll do it alone, as it seems - summarizing my steps to setup ISPConfig until having sites up and running.

    You probably know that, but not having some basic docs explaining noobs what to do, damages your project.
    Since I can't program well enough (for example for getting a cron interface up), I'll help with a how-to.
  13. manarak

    manarak Member

    and honestly, I also cannot understand why only you and Till seem to give useful answers on this forum, with a few exceptions.

    ISPConfig is such a great tool, it makes me sick to see so many threads collecting viewcount over viewcount but remaining without reply from other forum members.

    What are all the ppl doing?
    Aren't they using the tool too and know the answers?
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  14. binaryrogue

    binaryrogue Member

    Falko and Till feedbacks/comments are the only reason I like ISPconfig so much. I used it (ispconfig2-before and ispconfig 3-now) till this day for my websites and hosting needs. Anyways, there are so much information on this forum that you are bound to find a solution or a guide to the right direction on finding it.

    I was using ISPconfig 2 for over a year and really liked it, but was lacking on things I really need. It's still a great system and I feel it leaned more toward domain hosters and resellers. I didn't have any use for that since I was the only admin for all my domains.

    When ISPconfig 3 came along, I switched in a heartbeat. It had virtual email user capabilities (my favorite feature), replication, more database driven and less of the reseller stuff (forms). Monitoring emails and system from the UI is great! I use Fedora 10 myself and the guide by Falko was on the dot.
  15. manarak

    manarak Member

    Yes, Till and Falko do a great job.

    I wonder that so few people participate in the forum to support the product.

    When I was using plesk, there were dozens of new messages every day and many people helped out each other, user to user, for free!
    Then the sw-forums became parallels forums, the price of the licenses was multiplied by 10 and everything went **** up.

    Maybe the ISPConfig forums will pickup that speed after a big hoster will include ISPC in their standard offers.

    BTW, I think I saw your username in the discussions about the AXFR problem in MyDNS-NG.
    How did you solve it?
    I have the same problem:

    But can't solve it.
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  16. binaryrogue

    binaryrogue Member

  17. manarak

    manarak Member

    Yes, I got the same issue, how did you solve it?
  18. binaryrogue

    binaryrogue Member

  19. manarak

    manarak Member

    I think that I am running mydns-ng

    how can I check if I really run mydns-ng and not the old version?
  20. BorderAmigos

    BorderAmigos New Member

    Back to the original topic. I was using ISPConfig 2 before but after having to reinstall the OS I switched to ISPConfig 3. So far I like it much better than 2, more straightforward, less convoluted in file paths etc.

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