ISPConfig 3 Questions

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by BlahBlah, Jan 27, 2009.

  1. BlahBlah

    BlahBlah New Member

    I am in the process of installing CentOS 5.2 and ISPConfig 3 on a brand new server. The setup is taking place here at home, and when everything is ready it'll be shipped off to a colo facility. Obviously, the IP for the server is going to change when it reaches its new home... Other than changing the IP on eth0, is there anything specific I'll need to do for ISPConfig?

    Are the any other webmail clients besides SquirrelMail that are verified to work with ISPConfig 3? Not that I don't like SM, but there are other, prettier webmail apps out there, and people (customers) like pretty!

    Is AWStats working with ISPConfig 3? I like it much better than Webalizer.

    I think those are my three big questions for now. I'll probably have some more as I go, but those will get me started. ;)
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    You may use any webmail client that supports pop3 or imap.


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