ISPConfig 3 status update

Discussion in 'Developers' Forum' started by till, Mar 17, 2007.

  1. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer


    here a short update on the staus of ISPConfig 3.

    The mail module is nearly finished (frontend and backend), I have it working on a test server. It is a fully mysql postfix setup incl. sql based spamfilter rules.

    I will try to make a VMWare test image soon.

    I've rewritten the admin interface so it now works completely with ajax, its really fast and does not require the iframe anymore.

    I will upload the new admin interface to SVN next week when I finished the missing cahnges in the user administartion module.

    Have a nice weekend,

  2. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    a full sql based postfix would be even better. solves the virtusertable mess and users can use their email address as their pop/imap login instead of web#_blah
  3. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    Hi Till,

    Sounds great Till!
    Thanks for the work so far.

    Because ISPConfig is a different concept in serveral ways, i wonder if it is possible to do an future upgrade from ISPConfig 2.x.x to ISPConfig version 3, when it is available. Is it ment to be for new servers (start from scratch) or not?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The postfix setup is fully mysql based and uses postdrop as lda.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There will be no direct update path as version 2 and 3 use totally different setups, my idea is to use a import function to import one or more ISPConfig 2 servers into one ISPConfig3 setup.

    The development of ISPConfig 2 will not be stopped when ISPConfig 3 is released, so there is no need to update servers to ISPConfig 3.
  6. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    Ive got an old server to test it on, sounds really good:)

    What distribution will the image be on?
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Most likely debian or ubuntu.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I always use Debian on servers (and I never use SuSE if I can avoid it by any means). :)
  9. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    ----- expired ----
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2010
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Because Debian's package manager (apt) is great. It's reliable and fast and handles dependencies much better than rpm. And Debian is stable, and you are in full control over what gets installed on the system.

    On SuSE, so many things get installed that you don't need (and that you even don't know of). And rpm just sucks. And from my experience, SuSE is the slowest distribution. And every six months, a new version is released, which means it doesn't take long until you'll have difficulties in finding updates for your (outdated) SuSE installation.
    And maybe it's just me, but I've always (in every single SuSE version) had problems in getting the system to do what I want. I don't have these problems with other distros (including Fedora, Mandriva, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian).
  11. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Amen! ( אָמֵן )

    Lot's of readers here are now suddenly thinking of changing to Debian :)
  12. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    I only just rebuilt my suse sever and got it working, i dont want to change to debian now:( I guess i will try debian on my test system
  13. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    I have got an old server to test debian on but which one?

    Debain sarge or debian etch?
  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Etch is the new stable branch, so I'd use that one. :)
  15. alexillsley

    alexillsley New Member

    I tried debian sarge on my test server, and the installation was broken, it just gave me errors when it came to installing pacakges. Ill try debian etch now:)
  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I guess this happens because the installer still thinks that Sarge is stable, but Etch is now the new stable branch.
  17. nenad

    nenad Member

    etch is in stable now? great!!
    since when? I still use "testing" in my apt-get sources list :eek:
  18. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

  19. nenad

    nenad Member

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