ISPconfig: a solution for SME for e-commerce or home server

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by Michel-André, Dec 5, 2024.

  1. Michel-André

    Michel-André New Member

    Hi all,
    Howto document with complete and detailed parameters definitions (258 pages):

    This document describes the virtual installation and configuration of ISPconfig-3.2.11p2 on a minimal Debian-12 server running under a Proxmox VE server.
    A special chapter is dedicated to cloning a WordPress site and its domain's mail to ISPconfig.
    The email and the WordPress site can be reached from the Internet.
    General description. What to know. Configuring the Workstation. Preparing the Debian server. Installing ISPconfig. Default passwords and display language. Creating a new administrator. Adding a client. Main website. DNS server. SFTP. FTP. DNS records & redirects. SSL/TLS certificate. Email. Firewall. Configuring a client and its website. Cloning a WordPress site to ISPconfig. Upgrading. Appendices. Introduction to the vi editor. Micronator-dev.


    ISPconfig Project
    Notebook 01 => Proxmox VE
    Notebook 02 => Minimal Debian Server
    Notebook 03 => ISPconfig
    Notebook 04 => UCG Ultra Firewall

    The ultimate goal of the ISPconfig project is to create its own ISPconfig server that can host an email service, one or more websites and even an e-commerce site.
    • The first step is the creation of a Proxmox VE server to facilitate the development of this project.
    • Next comes the creation of a virtual machine for the installation of a minimal Debian server.
    • The next step is the installation and configuration of the ISPconfig server running under the Debian server.
    • We add a UCG Ultra firewall to protect the network.
    • We finish by connecting everything directly to the Internet.
    • High-resolution zoomable diagrams

    We sincerely thank Mr. Till Brehm for allowing us to use the description of various ISPconfig parameters contained in his book "ISPConfig 3.1 Manual".

    ISPConfig 3.1 Manual
    You can support the development of ISPConfig by purchasing the ISPConfig Manual for the modest sum of 5.0 €:


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    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
    xxfog, ahrasis and till like this.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thanks a lot for your work in documenting the setup. I've moved your post to the Tips&Tricks forum now as it's easier to be found there in the future.
    ahrasis and Michel-André like this.
  3. Michel-André

    Michel-André New Member

    Some network diagrams but the links on the post above are better with zoomable high resoltion.


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    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
    ahrasis likes this.
  4. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thank you for sharing. Highly appreciate it since I also use proxmox for newer servers.

    If you kinda make opnsense / pfsense guide for proxmox, do share them as well as I was looking a proper to implement it.
    xxfog and Michel-André like this.
  5. Michel-André

    Michel-André New Member

    Salut ahrasis,

    I made a doc on OpenSense but never published it as I end up choosing UniFi UCG Ultra as a separate firewall.
    You can have a look at: Links are included.

    My original goal was the same as your i.e. Virtual OpenSense running on the sane Proxmox as ISPconfig because the problem was that Debian and Proxmox have different packages to do the PPPoE and they sabotage each other. So you need another VM to do the PPPoE.

    The original problem was to use OpenSense on port vmbr0. For that, you have to make sure Proxmox will not be using vmbr0 and leave it to the sole use of OpenSense to be able to use PPPoE.

    Last spring, I spent 4 months looking at firewalls and tested a few of them and even bought one in a single cigar box package from Mikroti. if I remember right. It is a Linux OS but I felt like using a version of DOS with different command than the original ones. I rejected that. I also bought an APU 4D4. also rejected.

    Then I found the UCG Ultra and all my problem disappeared. Go with Ubiquiti/UniFi and you will never regret it.

    Thank you for the link as I was thinking of starting a Dokuwi forum for my ISPconfig project.
    The first look at the link seems to be the place to go for that.

    Any comments, suggestion, ideas are all welcome !

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2024
    ahrasis likes this.

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