ISPConfig and adding an SQL Database

Discussion in 'General' started by Texaskilt, Dec 6, 2006.

  1. Texaskilt

    Texaskilt New Member

    Ok...I'll admit it...I'm an ISPConfig newbie.

    I am wanting to have two websites to each have their SQL databases.

    I've configured the first site easily. Checked the box for the SQL database, specified 1 database. Done.

    Now, I'm trying to config another website to have a SQL database. I check the box and specify 1 database, and I get an error that says that I have 0 databases for this website.

    My question: How do I add a database for website?

    I am running CentOS 4.4 with ISPConfig 2.2.8, phpMyAdmin, and MySQL.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you add the second database on the options tab of the second and not the first website? Are you sure you set the number of databases to at least 1 in the settings of the second website? Is the database limit of the reseller >= 2 or set to -1 which menas unlimited databases?

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