ISPConfig and AWStats

Discussion in 'General' started by zimele, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. zimele

    zimele New Member

    Hi All

    Can you please assist me with the installation of AWStats on my ISPConfig server cause i tried to do the installation from the ispconfig website and i ran the task but somehow i still can't logon to the statistics on any of the websites on my server

    can you please give me a breakdown on what to do and when i'm done how to get the statistics of the different website

    Thanks in advance
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    Which AWstats are you using? I know the one from djtremors (dynamic pages) gets updated at night, so you're only able to see stats after the first night.

    Don't know about the static awstats version, which is the default reference on the ISPConfig site.
  3. vogelor

    vogelor New Member

    1) look, if the awstats directory exists
    2) check if the statistik-checkbox is checked inside ISPConfig (for the web you need)
    3) try to login with the user of the web (admin or the company's login will not work). you need to login as web[n]_[name]
  4. zimele

    zimele New Member

    AWStats Installation

    I Should think that the statistik option is enabled cause i am to get my stats from webalizer and my problem is that i have gone through the steps that are given in the ISPConfig website and my question is after this what do i have to do

    Beta 1 is just a repackage of Alpha 8, because there where no known Bugs for a long time
    If you are still interested go on and test the installer ISPConfig_awstats_pkg_beta-1.tar.gz. Follow theses Steps:

    Become root

    su -
    Change directory

    cd /usr/src
    Download the archive

    Extract the archive

    tar -xvzf ISPConfig_awstats_pkg_beta-1.tar.gz
    Change directory

    cd ISPConfig_awstats_pkg

    This step is optional, it will generate the statistics. But you could also wait until the cron is executed (4:00 am)

    /root/ispconfig/php/php /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/awstats.php
    That's it.

    after this what do i have to do to enable AWStats to get stats for my websites and how would i go by reviewing these stats

    Hope my response helps solve my problem thanks again
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2008
  5. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

    If you did all this steps you should be able to go to (the username and the password are the same as for webalizer). If you get an error please check that you have files in the awstats directory of your website.

    Regards Jonas
  6. zimele

    zimele New Member

    AWStats still no luck!!


    i've had a look at the contents on my website and there is no awstats directory there is only the webalizer (stats) directory and the content of one and when AWStats is installed properly will it have the same stats as webalizer or will my stats start at 0
  7. vogelor

    vogelor New Member

    sorry - don't know.
    the only thing i know is that awstats "regenerated" the log i lost for 5 days.
    But i don't know how long it regenerates the log.
  8. zimele

    zimele New Member

    AWSTATS still doesn't work


    i've had a look at the contents on my website and there is no awstats directory there is only the webalizer (stats) directory

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