ispconfig and dns. 2 questions. DNS guru wanted

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by chachdog, Jul 13, 2007.

  1. chachdog

    chachdog New Member

    1) If am using this linux box to do dns for sites not residing on the box. ie web sites sitting on another server. what information goes into the soa record ip address field when creating the dns records? Do i enter the authoratative dns server listed at the registrar or the linux dns ip address or the ip address of the server where the site is residing?

    2) The next tab. the options tab. what information goes into the name server 1 & 2 boxes? is it the linux dns ip or the authoratative dns server listed at the registrar?

    This box is not the authoratative server for any of the domains housed on this box. We have our authoratative server configured with slave records to pull information from the master linux dns.

    it goes like this.
    registrar says pull from ns1 says ok linux has these records and delivers them.

    we are trying to cut down on administrative overhead. ns1 in the example is a redundant t1 device. it has to be part of the dns for the redundancy part to work right.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) The IP address of the server where the domain is residing.

    2) the primary and secondary nameserver of the domain.

    A nameserver record is always a domain and never a IP.

    If the server is not authoritive, then you can not add a primary record for the domain there. You must add a slave record instead.
  3. chachdog

    chachdog New Member

    well that answer confused me even more.

    (1) The IP address of the server where the domain is residing.)

    Do you mean the IP address of where the web site is residing (ie the different server ip? or the authoritative dns server ip responsible for the domain.

    2) the primary and secondary nameserver of the domain.

    ? What are the primary and secondary name servers for a domain? is it the authoritative dns server? or the linux box?

    A nameserver record is always a domain and never a IP.
    i understand this.

    If the server is not authoritive, then you can not add a primary record for the domain there. You must add a slave record instead.[/QUOTE]

    I don't believe this is true. my fatpipe is the authoritative dns server for my domains. Every domain is configured as a slave on it. when a request for a record is processed fatpipe is sent to the linux box to find the record and every record the linux box are configured as master records.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff



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