ispconfig and postfix problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Dmitriy, Oct 6, 2007.

  1. Dmitriy

    Dmitriy New Member

    Hi, here's my problem, when i create user in ispconfig, I type in Real Name, email, username, and password for new user.. everything is working fine, but one thing that annoys me, that all emails sent from that acc, look like this:

    username<email@mydomain> instead of Real Name<email@mydomain> showing the world my login.. not good.. is there any way to fix it? where should i dig?

    and another problem with ispconfig (2.2.17 stable on debian etch)..

    I create client_2 (without creating reseller), created net domain (let's say then create a site for client_2, and admin email for client's domain. everything runs fine
    i logon with created client's login and password, and then deleted account (in email&users).. emptying recycle bin.. after that.. i couldn't re-create admin account for his domain (even if i logged in with my admin account).. tried to delete all domains that belongs to client2 to create them again, another problem popped in.. i were unable to create a root domain
    solved this problem by erasing and client2 values from db_ispconfig.. then I create them again and everything is fine (client was asked to not touch his admin's account)..

    Sorry for my bad english:(
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2007
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must set the correct sender address in your email client (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, Squirrelmail, etc.).
  3. Dmitriy

    Dmitriy New Member

    Thanks for reply, I just checked that, it worked. tnx.

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