ISPconfig and SSL-Explorer

Discussion in 'General' started by SurfingAlien, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. SurfingAlien

    SurfingAlien New Member

    Hi All,

    I am a VERY happy ISPConfig-user, and I would like to run the SSL-Explorer product on the same machine. SSL-Explorer makes use of ant-apache and java to create a clientless "client-to-gateway" VPN over https. I would like to ave this so I can use RDP to make use of Terminal Services

    Since non of my sites make use of https, I guess that both the apache version for ISPConfig and apache that runs the sites do not listen to port 443

    Can anyone think of a reason why running yet another apache should interfere with the running versions of apache, or any other reason why this can not work?

    Thanks a bunch!

    Peter, The Netherlands
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please remove the "Listen 443" in the configuration files of the main apache webserver as it binds on port 443 even if there is no SSL host defined in ISPConfig. Then you shall be able to install another apache on port 443 without problems.

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