Ispconfig, apache2, port 8080 closed, configuration file ispconfig or apache?

Discussion in 'General' started by Wallas, Jan 4, 2019.

  1. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    Hello folks, I'm having a problem on my server, my webmail was not getting mail. So my colleague decided to uninstall apache2 and then install, but after removing the apache and put it back, the settings of the sites are erased, I think. The sites before they were set, now only shows the welcome page of apache. As you can see in one of the photos, ispconfig n is listed in init.d, I know it is installed because it has the location in / usr / local / ispconfig, but I do not know how to run the service. What is the first thing I should do? From now on I thank you and as you have already noticed I am a layperson on this subject, so I'm sorry if the answer is very obvious.

    Attached Files:

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig is not a service, that's why you can't find it in /etc/init.d.

    To fix your setup, run an update like this:

    cd /tmp
    tar xvfz ISPConfig-3.1.13.tar.gz
    cd ispconfig3_install/install
    php -q update.php
    and choose yes when the updater asks if it shall reconfigure the services.
    Wallas likes this.
  3. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    I did what you said, but it did not help, he made the same mistake. The 8080 port does not work and the sites, either, as I said before, I think I have to configure something, it's like I used Apache the ispconfig part.

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The updater configures the apache ispconfig part, that's why you should run it now and choose to reconfigure services.
    Wallas likes this.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Or your colleague might not just removed apache but also all kind of other depending packages, in that case, you have to reinstall all packages that he removed e.g. by using the instructions from ISPConfig installation docs (perfect server tutorials)
    Wallas likes this.
  6. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    Could you give me a consultant? I do not know if it is allowed to speak here, it is because I have a certain urgency to solve this problem and I am afraid to move more in the configurations and to end up getting worse. If you can give me the advice, could it be by teamview? Thank you in advance for your attention.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  8. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    You have no interest in this work, do you? Sorry to insist on this, it's that there are several sites that are not working because of ispconfig and this is causing a loss here. Usually these media take time to respond. Is there anything else I can do to see the settings because the sites are not setting up?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The sites don't work because our colleague decided to destroy the Apache setup by uninstalling Apache, that's not related to ISPConfig in any way, ISPConfig did not uninstall apache and it did not remove config files and applications.

    I posted where you can reach the ISPConfig business support. I do not provide remote login support.

    Are you able to login to ispconfig again after you run the update with reconfigure services = yes? if that's the case, login to ispconfig, go to tools > resync and resync the sites. This will restore the vhost files in case that they were deleted as well.
  10. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    How can I redo these apache settings for the sites to work again? Remember, I already got this server configured, I have no knowledge on web server. I do not have access to the ispconfig panel. Since port 8080 is closed. While support does not need remote, if you were interested in doing this work, we could negotiate a value, since I need it to be working today, because it is generating loss here in the company.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The sites can get rewritten from ispconfig login only. Why can't you login to port 8080, did you close it in the firewall or did apache stopped listening on that port?

    Please run these commands and post the result:

    ls -la /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/
    ls -la /etc/apache2/sites-available/
  12. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    did not close it, surely Apache should have stopped listening for this port, although the host is not configured, I do not know if this changes anything. I'll post the print

  13. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    According to the screenshot, the ispconfig update has not been run with 'reconfigure permissions = yes' during update after apache was reinstalled. Rerun the commands I posted in #2 of this thread, the commands have to be run as root user, when the updater asks you if it shall reconfigure services, then choose yes. Then post the output that the updater has shown you on the shell.
  14. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    Notice that when I edit these two files in nano error reading appears and does not let edit


  15. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your first screenshots: you are probably not logged in as root user.
    Your second screenshot: that's not the output of the ispconfig updater.
  17. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    All the screenshot I took was as root
  18. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    Why is not ispconfig updater output?
  19. Wallas

    Wallas New Member

    I'll show you two more print .Put yes at all[​IMG]

  20. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, that's the ispconfig updater output now. And it shows some interesting details, you are talking about apache in the first post but your server is not an apache web server, it's an nginx web server which you did not mention and nginx config files are in a different place.

    So I wonder: Do you had originally an apache web server or do you had a nginx web server and does your colleague maybe accidentally replaced apache with nginx? Or is this an nginx server and your colleague installed apache now which makes nginx fail.

    Try these commands as root:

    service apache2 stop
    service nginx start

    Is ispconfig and your websites working again?

    If yes, then nginx was replaced by apache and apache was enabled so that nginx cannot start anymore as port 80 is blocked by apache.

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