ISPconfig as a production server

Discussion in 'General' started by adeptt, Feb 21, 2008.

  1. adeptt

    adeptt New Member

    This is just a general question to everyone.

    We have about 100 web site and 1000 emails. Most web sites are simple and only a few use databases etc.

    We want to use ispconfig as our new server for all our clients.

    My questions are..

    - do you think ispconfig is stable enough to be a proper production server like ensim etc..
    - Does anyone use ispconfig with similar amount of accounts as we have? and if so how long have you been running ispconfig as a production server? and are you happy with it.

    Thank you
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2008
  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator


    I've been using ISPconfig for some time on my production servers, with no problem what so ever (except when I did something wrong).

    On one of my server I have 72 websites, and just over 400 email accounts, and ISPconfig has no problem handling this.

    I know that some other "big" users here have more sites/accounts on their servers, and as far as I know also no problems.

    Personally I think that in some areas ISPconfig will perform even better than commercial programs!
  3. blackice

    blackice New Member

    Same here, i Have 52 sites, many of them have databases and till now no problems from ispconfig except when i messed something.

    ISP Config is a very powefull system and we all must Thank the creators...

    Thank You !
  4. Gimly

    Gimly Member

    I use ISPConfig on two servers :

    The first with 250 websites and 700 emails
    The second with 780 wesites and 3500 emails.

    I've no problem with ispconfig, It very stable and secure ^^

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