ISPConfig Backup problem

Discussion in 'General' started by gzero, Nov 8, 2006.

  1. gzero

    gzero New Member


    I am currently running ISPConfig 2.2.7 on Debian sarge with around 15 sites.
    I want to make a backup of all my sites with all databases to store them off line. When i try to run the backup feature of ISPConfig it will run for some time (few minutes) and then it will offer me a download of "backup.php". I tried both download and ftp but both don't seem to work for me. It always stops after zipping web9 (I can find these zip files in the temp directory of ISPConfig).

    Any ideas? Is the backup to large?

    Would it maybe be possible to change the backup feature to add an option to store the backup on the server and after it completes showing all backups ever made and give the option what to do with it? download or maybe upload to an ftp? Maybe also an option to store ftp information to easily select the correct ftp server to transfer the backup to (do you don't have to provide login information all the time).

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, the backup is too large.

    You can eanble the auto backup feature in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/ ISPConfig will then create a backup every night and put it in the backup folder of the website.
  3. IKShadow

    IKShadow New Member

    Is there any script to delete backups older then 5/X days.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  5. IKShadow

    IKShadow New Member

  6. IKShadow

    IKShadow New Member

    It seems i wont need that script afterall ..
    ISPconfig make backup only for previous day ( a day older is auto deleted )

    So that's ok.

    I was just worried I will have bunch of old backups and my HDD will fill up to 100% becouse of it.

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