ISPConfig backup problems

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by hubik.tomas, Dec 22, 2017.

  1. hubik.tomas

    hubik.tomas New Member


    I have recently run into issues with build in website backup feature. It looks like some backups are failing randomly. When I look into website settings, some backups are correct, but for some websites database or files backups are randomly missing. It looks like this issue affects more weekly backups as daily backups seem to be correct, but this might be just an coincidence. I should probably note that the backups used to work without any problems and these issues started to occur about one month ago. I am regularly updating both the system packages and ISPConfig.

    I am using ISPConfig 3.1.9 on Debian Stretch. I have also uploaded htf_report.txt from the test script. I do not know, which log to inspect, but ISPConfig cron.log and ispconfig.log does not seem to contain any errors or info regarding this issue.

    Does anyone have an idea, what can be wrong?

    Thank you very much.

    Best regards

    Attached Files:

  2. florian030

    florian030 ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    make sure, that the databases are all assigned to theire website
  3. hubik.tomas

    hubik.tomas New Member

    It looks like this is not the issue. I have picked one site with missing database backups and it is assigned correctly.
  4. florian030

    florian030 ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    did you check the database (dbispconfig) on this server?
  5. hubik.tomas

    hubik.tomas New Member

    What do you mean by checking the database?
  6. hubik.tomas

    hubik.tomas New Member

    It looks like the problem was in short wait_timeout parameter for MySQL (MariaDB). It was set to 2 minutes. After increasing this timeout, the backups seem to work without problems.

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