ISPConfig - CentOS 5

Discussion in 'General' started by TexasTaz, Jul 15, 2007.

  1. TexasTaz

    TexasTaz New Member

    Hey Falko and Till,

    I have it working finally on my install of CentOS. I have had quite a few compliments on it, it is at or . It is working like a champ except the DNS is not quite working the way I thought it would. I tried using falkos howto for dns and then backup with someone like but to no avail for some reason dns just won't do it's job. I am still working on it so not a big deal. However everything else is working perfectly as long as I set my DNS up somewhere else. I also added Bazzer's Server Status Monitor to the website and it is actually monitoring the http, smtp, pop3, mysql and sc protocols. I tested it by taking down all but the http and it worked like a champ also.

    By the way I am using latest version with the bug fixes as well. Great Job thanks for the great project / software.

    Have a great one.
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2007
  2. royrobinson

    royrobinson New Member

    Looks Good


    I had a look at the site and all looks good from the UK. I am currently setting up a similair operation in the UK but the the last problem for me has been trying to find the right CMS, and I looked at e107 and I will be playing with it. I think ISPConfig as a great piece of software and with more experience I can get more from it.

    Till/Falko I down loaded latest V3 and set up on a spare server, it looks GREAT so far can't wait until its finished and the is a porting method to go from V2 to V3.

    Anyway just wanted to say looks good Michael and god I love this Project!



    All the way from the UK.
  3. TexasTaz

    TexasTaz New Member

    Hey Roy,

    I am pretty good with e107 and the plugins and stuff I also figured out the Server Status plugin so if ya want over the next few days I will be free. Just let me know I would be glad to get you going I even did some of the artwork on my site so I can d oa little of that as well.

    see ya,
  4. royrobinson

    royrobinson New Member



    Thanks for your offer of help, I will hopefully be in touch shortly, please could you PM me your private email so I can talk direct, thanks.


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