ISPConfig configuration or ipcop firewall being the cuase of trouble?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by AZMel, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. AZMel

    AZMel New Member

    ISPConfig configuration or ipcop firewall being the cause of trouble?


    I currently have IPCop 1.4.8 running with ISPConfig with the WebMail addon on the ORANGE network. I have ports 25 and 110 being forwarded from the firewall to ISPConfig. While I work from the Green network side I can connect to webmail with no trouble. Sending and Recieving E-mail through Thunderbird works fine.

    When I try to connect to webmail from outside the network I can see firefox connecting first to the firewall then it tries to connect to ISPConfig ( and fails. Connecting with Thunderbird I am able to recieve e-mails from ISPConfig. When I send E-mails it looks like it worked but the e-mail does not appear anywhere.

    Is there something on the ISPConfig side that I need to change or on the firewall?

    Last edited: Nov 17, 2005
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Must be on the firewall...
  3. AZMel

    AZMel New Member

    Actually I found that the inability to access the webmail part not to be on the firewall side. I did some digging in the config files in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/ and found this line:

    $go_info["server"]["server_url"] = "";

    I changed that to be the domain used to access the web site and now I can access webmail from remote locations.:D

    Now I still need to figure out how to send e-mails from outside the firewall and how to fix the dates on the webmail.:confused: If you have any thoughts please post!

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This means you didn't enter the right information during the installation. It's not a bug of ISPConfig.:D

    You must forward port 25 from IPCop to your ISPConfig server. And the DNS records for your domain must point to IPCop's public IP address.
  5. AZMel

    AZMel New Member

    Never claimed it was a bug ;)

    I figured out my second problem having to do with e-mail from outside the firewall. I created two sites through ISPConfig. One a test site and the other which will be our real site once the DNS is changed on the current domain name registration. Well, the e-mail I was sending was a test send to the domain name which is still active outside the firewall but is also defined inside the firewall. Postfix was resolving the TO: address in the local domain which should have been external. Once I removed "real" site from ISPConfig, all worked fine.:eek:

    Oh well, maybe someone will learn from my example.

    Now to figure out the date display on the webmail client.

  6. Alex-TelOnline

    Alex-TelOnline New Member

    IPCops RED Remote Access


    I can't make tha IPCops enable the RED card to access remotly, i have 2 diferents networks, one for Untrusted with a Public Ip and other one for trusted with public IPs also, the first one is for the Firewall IPCops, and teh second One is for my servers which need Public IP to.
    On the trusted site I can make login on the web (server IP trusted) but outside I can Not, so, anyone can help me how can I Make to enable the remote access?
    I set the Firewall IP on my laptop and It works, and also i switch the IPs on the NIC and the trusted still works, means that the cards were recogniced fine... Please Help.
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you explain your setup in more detail? I'm not sure I understand it right...

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