I'm just having a look at all the folders included in the PHP open_basedir setting on the Server Config->Web tab and, after looking at the contents of those folders, I'm wondering if there are any security related matters that I should undertake (like remove certain files etc). For example; in the /usr/share/php5 folder there is a file called php.ini-development, and there are lots of others that I'm curious about. The complete list of folders is: Code: [website_path]/web [website_path]/private [website_path]/tmp /var/www/[website_domain]/web /srv/www/[website_domain]/web /usr/share/php5 /usr/share/php /tmp /usr/share/phpmyadmin /etc/phpmyadmin /var/lib/phpmyadmin I gather that I should not be putting any files in these folders which might cause a security issue. Any advice? Cheers, Nap