Ispconfig - deleting domains

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by victorqed, May 21, 2007.

  1. victorqed

    victorqed New Member

    I use ISPConfig 2.2.12.
    When I delete a domain, the domain isn't deleted from bind configuration.
    When I uncheck the DNS MX check box, the MX is not deleted.
    The recicle bin is empty and I waited a few minutes.

    Does somewoane knows how can I fix this?
    Thank you.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please check all recycle bins. Every reseller and customer has its own recycle bin. Also DNS entrys are never deleed automatically if you delete a site, you can delete them in the DNS-Manager. The DNS-Manager has a separate recycle bin too.

    btw. Please post ISPConfig questions to the ISPConfig forum. Thanks :)
  3. victorqed

    victorqed New Member

    Yes, it works.
    I deleted the domain from DNS Manager and emptied that recicle bin.

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