ISPConfig DNS issue

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by slu2, Jan 1, 2010.

  1. slu2

    slu2 New Member

    I have installed both of the latest versions of ISPConfig over the last few days, and I keep having the same issue on both 2.x and 3.x, none of the DNS information I put in ISPConfig gets written to httpd.conf, nor are there any vhost information for any of the items I have entered into ISPConfig in /etc/httpd/conf/sites-enabled

    I have the generic data listed in 000-ispconfig.vhost.

    But nothing new since the installation was completed.

    httpd.conf is stable and httpd is running.

    My OS is 5.4 and updated today. (1/1/09), on a OpenVZ VPS.

    Everything seems to work without incident in the UI. My data for each client and site is saved.
    Edit/Delete Message

    This is the version of ISPConfig 3 that I used:


    This is is the ISCPConfig 2 version that I used.

    ISPConfig 2.2.35

    All of the services are running without any obvious problems.

    Im just not sure why it doesn't add an apache entry for my NameServers or any of the DNS changes that I make. And it's the same problem in both version.

    Any help would be appreciated. Maybe even rewarded? Paypal anyone?

    I need someone to babystep me through this. I can afford $40 USD for someone who can get ISPConfig 2.2.35 working on my CENTOS 5.4 VPS. The sooner the better BTW.

    (message me if if you're up to it, and can take a paypal payment)

    Thanks! And happy new year!
  2. slu2

    slu2 New Member

    Solved. Went with Cpanel. LOL

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