ISPConfig features

Discussion in 'General' started by localhost, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. localhost

    localhost New Member

    Hello all,
    I was just seeking for open sourced projects that are equivalent to AWBS or WHMCS and some friends pointed me to ISPConfig.
    I want to ask you if ISPConfig can do this :
    • Handle billing for hosting packs over foreign services (2CO/Paypal...)
    • Offer a web API for creating accounts on the server. (*)
    (*): I want to build a free hosting site, the site should let visitors create their accounts with a wizard (Step1: Wich database version, Step2: How much space ..... Step N: Confirm account creation), and on the last step, my scripts should call an API on the ISPConfig side using a reseller account to create the user's space.
    Is it an existant feature ? or should i create accounts manually on the web interface of ISPConfig ?

    Thanks for helping
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    a) no. ISPConfig has a billing module to create invoices but is not connected directly to billing services.
    b) Yes, the ISPConfig remoting framework.
  3. localhost

    localhost New Member

    Ok, thanks for helping.
    Am about to start a small free hosting service based on open source projects and seeking for a good template or CMS that can present my services on my site (hosting packs, pack personalisation, customer access, forum ...)
    Any idea ?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think Drupal and Joomla are good CMS. You might also want to play around with Typo3, although you need some experience with it to get it to work.
  5. localhost

    localhost New Member

    do you know if there are modules for ISPs ?
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What kind of modules?
    I think you'll have to tweak the CMS (whichever you use) a lot to make it suit your needs.
  7. localhost

    localhost New Member

    Somekind of module to offer customer panel integrated on the CMS...
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I think you'll have to write that yourself...

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