Ispconfig From Https To Http

Discussion in 'General' started by djida, May 28, 2007.

  1. djida

    djida New Member

    I have to install ispconfig, with HTTPS; and everything works well, but now I want to make it function only with HTTP, how I must make, to help me it is very urgent, thank you :)
  2. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

  3. djida

    djida New Member

    yes I like iit, but this line i not undersant

    4) Open the new and replace {SERVER_NAME} with the server name
    (have a look at the backed-up httpd.conf to find out the correct value)

    in my old http file not locate {SERVER_NAME}.
    why ??? thanks
  4. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Because in your old file the {SERVER_NAME} part has allready been replaced with your real server name.
  5. djida

    djida New Member

    :) thanks, is work good

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