ISPConfig handling the default webpage too

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by MacGoose, May 13, 2011.

  1. MacGoose

    MacGoose New Member

    I find it hard to do any configuration on the "default" webpage on my servers, like the /var/www for Apache accessed through the server's ip address.

    Like access control. Index control. Creating ftp users for the default website. For example, I have found that Indexes are open and that the server stats ( var/www/webalizer ) directory also are open for everyone. Setting a password for server-ip/webalizer and other directories through ISPConfig would make managing and setting up a server much easier.

    So I would request a category in ISPConfig for simple handling of the default server website. It would at least help on keeping a server more secure as settings as Index control on the default website would be more visual.

    , MacGoose

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