ISPconfig hangs at ISP Manager

Discussion in 'General' started by luchs3, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. luchs3

    luchs3 New Member

    I have already reported this BUG at but for general Discussion I do it here again.

    I have a ISPc installation on an Ubuntu 7.04 Server.
    When I open the https://server:81/ Site in my Browser it hangs nearly every 2nd time at the ISP Manager.

    I also have Ubuntu 7.04 on my Client with Firefox
    It works without any Problem under Windows.

    After a little while I get the possibility to stop the script.
    I've tried this at 2.2.14 and 2.2.15 and now at 2.2.16.
    It makes no difference if I use http or https.
  2. jflesher

    jflesher New Member

    Same Problem in Fedora 7

    In Fedora 7 using Firefox the script will time out; I'm using 2.2.16; in Windows IE 7 it works fine. I have not troubleshoot the script yet so I'm not sure why it is hanging; it works some times. This needs to be resolved. It is also installed on a Fedora 7 Server.
    Last edited: Sep 17, 2007
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which script is timing out? Please describe exactly what you do.

    By the way, we do not use the bugtracker at The ISPConfig bugtracker is here:
  4. jflesher

    jflesher New Member

    FF Hanging in Linux

    It appears that its only on one machine; I have Firebug loaded but it was no help; it works in KDE on one machine and not working in Gnome; I'll have to do more trouble shooting; I'll boot into KDE and see if that's the problem; although I don't see any reason it would be; I'm running KDE on the other machine because it's the Machine running ISP Config.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  5. luchs3

    luchs3 New Member

    hmmm, I think this is a performance problem.

    I have the Server running as a VM with serveral other Servers on the Machine.
    I have two XEON CPUs on it.
    The Hyperthreading slows the VMs even if I give them two Processors.

    I stoped the Hypertreading yesterday and gave the ISP Server one "complete" CPU.
    Now the ISP Server is faster and the Problem doesn't happen anymore.

    But it looks like if the Interface is quite resource intensive.
    The Site doesn't stop to load sometimes, I can work and it reacts but the Site is not fully loaded.

    I have the suspicion, that the tree (left window) is the source of this porblems.

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