ISPconfig intial setup

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by pitchinnate, Apr 10, 2007.

  1. pitchinnate

    pitchinnate New Member

    Just installed CentOS 4.4 using HowToForge's perfect setup instructions and then installed ISPconfig without any errors. I am currently just setting up this server just to test this system and play around with it to learn it. I may possibly put a actual live server out there eventually but first I want to make sure I know the system well enough.

    When I get to the part of the installation where it asks you the questions about initial setup it asks you for the domain name it uses as an example. For right now since I am just testing I was going to use a domain that doesn't exist, however, if I try to do this it says it can't connect to it.

    Do I have to actually use a domain I own (that is pointed at my IP address) just to test the system?

    I used like it used as an example, then went through the rest of the installation and when I tried to go to it doesn't pull up the main screen of the ISPconfig. In my network settings I have set as my DNS server in network settings.

    Also when I restart the system when CentOS goes through the boot sequence and is starting up all the different services it gets stuck on ISPconfig.

    Any help anyone could give would be great.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No, for testing purposes you can leave the hostname blank and enter your IP address when being asked for your domain.

    This will not work with a non existing domain. Please use the IP of your server instead of the domain.

    You encrypted your SSL certificate. The installation manual tells you to not encrypt it. You will have to create a new certificate as described here:

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