ISPconfig migration from ISPconfig?

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by rob_morin, Oct 26, 2018.

  1. rob_morin

    rob_morin Member

    Hey all, so currently we are using the latest ISPconfg. We have a multi server setup:
    Web2 - for websites and main ISPconfig gui
    Mail2 - for mx, pop, imap, spamassassin stuff
    Mysql2 - for mysql and Primary DNS server
    Each of theabove machine are set for dual core 4 gigs of RAM
    These are all Vmware VMS

    I am being asked if its viable and or feasible(as we are moving servers) to have everything on one VM, say 16 gigs ram and quad(xeon) core with SSDs as file system. But still as a VM on VMware server.
    Is there anything wrong with this? Currently if mysql goes down all services go down, so having 3 VMs does not make a difference with respect to availability.

    We currently have 152 domains we host for mail and web, traffic is not that high, we rarely see a load higher than 1 on any server currently..
    DBS are not that big, we currently have 160, mostly for wordpress.
    Mail, we have currently approx 2000 mailboxes. We probably process about 50K emails a day, once again not that much...

    Suggestions? Comments?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your mail server should not be affected when MySQL goes down in your current setup and DNS should not be affected too. But websites will be down off course, when they use MySQL.

    There is nothing wrong and it still provides more security than having one single server. The hardware is a single point of failure though, but when you use good hardware, then a hardware fault will not happen often and when your datacenter has spare parts so that they can exchange them within a short of time, then that's probably ok.
  3. rob_morin

    rob_morin Member

    Ok thanks Till.... I guess next thing would be how would i consolidate these 3 servers into one? Can it be done via ispconfig, like maybe installing on new instance and using the mirror server function to do it somehow? Should I do a new post for this question?

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If I understand you correctly, you are not consolidating 3 servers to one. you are just migrating 3 physical servers into 3 virtual servers without consolidating them. If a Linux system runs in a VM or on bare metal does not matter for the applications that run on the os (a bit oversimplified here).
  5. rob_morin

    rob_morin Member

    Hey Till, no i mean i would consolidate 3 VM servers into 1 larger VM server....
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ah, ok. Sorry for the misunderstanding. You can do that e.g. with the ISPConfig migration Tool. Or do it manually by moving the ispconfig master installation over incl users and groups of the clients and webs from web server, change things in the database so that all records use server_id 1, then use the resync function to write config to disk and finally move over the website and mail data,
  7. rob_morin

    rob_morin Member

    Ah, ok great, does not sound too complected.... thanks for the help!
    Have a great weekend!

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