ISPconfig migration tool api call to login failed

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Tom John, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Hi guys,
    i use ispconfig migration tool and i get the following errors:
    You gave me remote user '' with password 'password...'
    And I shall connect to ''
    Is this correct? (y, n): y
    Warning: Use of undefined constant PRIO_ERROR - assumed 'PRIO_ERROR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /root/migration/v71/includes/modules/ on line 263
    Warning: Use of undefined constant PRIO_ERROR - assumed 'PRIO_ERROR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /root/migration/v71/includes/modules/ on line 263
    Warning: Use of undefined constant PRIO_ERROR - assumed 'PRIO_ERROR' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /root/migration/v71/includes/modules/ on line 263
    [ERROR] API call to login failed. See log file for details.
    Could not connect to api. Please check if the data you provided is correct.
    Name of the remote user of TARGET ISPConfig3 system []: 
    the remote user is remoter, the password is correct and the server as well, so i dont know what i am doing wrong?
    maybe someone has an idea?
    thanks a lot for your help
  2. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    sorry guys its just working... the username was not correct
    when the script is executing i get the following messages:
    Starting API calls.
    Processing of entries done.                                                           
    [INFO] Target ISPConfig job queue has completed. Continuing.
    [INFO] Skipping system server as we have no job entries for this target.
    [WARN] Skipping web entries as SSH ip setting is missing.
    [INFO] Skipping mail server as we have no job entries for this target.
    [INFO] Skipping db server as we have no job entries for this target.
    and i see that nothing is imported
    what am i doing wrong?
    thanks a lot for your help
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
  3. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    At what point in the migration do you get those messages? What have you done before that?
    Which script?
    You do not mention version of Migration tool, operating systems on Source and Target, nor if you have single server or multiserver setup.
  4. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    thanks for your answer.
    i use the newest version of the ispconfig migration tool.
    operating system on source and target server is ubuntu 18.04
    i have single server setup.
    I get the messages after the script finish.
    actually the script is doing nothing 1 second and i get the error messages. before i run a dry run and everything seemed to be ok.
  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    By "the script" I assume you mean Migration Tool? On which server are you running it?
  6. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Yes i mean the migration tool with script ;)
    i am running it on the target system.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  8. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    this is the dry run of the migration tool:

    root@server4:~/migration# ./migrate
    Welcome to the ISPConfig3 Migration Tool V2 Version 2.0.6
    Although this tool does not alter anything on the source server, you should
    ALWAYS make a BACKUP of all your data before migrating to a new server!
    You need to have some prerequisites set up to use this tool:
     * create an remote user (system -> remote users) in your TARGET ISPConfig3 system and grant ALL rights to it
     * make sure this (the SOURCE system) can reach the remoting api of the TARGET system
    *** Disclaimer of Warranties ***
    ISPConfig disclaims to the fullest extent authorized by law any and all other warranties, whether express or implied,
    including, without limitation, any implied warranties of title, non-infringement, integration, merchantability or
    fitness for a particular purpose.
    By continuing to use this software, you agree to this.
    First of all the most important question:
    Do you want to make a real migration or a dry run? (dry, migrate): dry
    The following modules are available:
        1. ISPConfig 2 to 3 migrator (ispconfig2)
        2. Confixx to ISPConfig 3 migrator (confixx)
        3. ISPConfig 3 to ISPConfig 3 migrator (ispconfig3)
        4. Plesk (10.5 - 17.5) to ISPConfig 3 migrator (plesk)
    Which one is the one matching your SOURCE system? (ispconfig2, confixx, ispconfig3, plesk): ispconfig3
    Enter this (SOURCE) server's ip that is used for outgoing connections []:
    Testing MySQL connection ... OK
    Name of the remote user of TARGET ISPConfig3 system [remoter]: remoter
    Password for this remote user [Mybs#S4V]: 
    URL to the remote system (e. g. []: 
    You gave me remote user 'remoter' with password ...mypassword 
    And I shall connect to ''
    Is this correct? (y, n): y
    Warning: Use of undefined constant TARGET_MULTISERVER - assumed 'TARGET_MULTISERVER' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /root/migration/v71/migrate.php on line 590
    I will now have to make some changes in your ISPConfig3 TARGET system config.
        1.) Enable domain module if needed
        2.) Remove client prefixes (will be undone automatically at the end)
        3.) Enable login for mail accounts if needed
    What is the main public(!) ip of the target server []:
    Seems you have a single-server setup.
    Do you want me to overwrite/update existing entries with the same name? (y, n): y
    You can now set entry names, that shall NOT be overwritten.
    You should use this if you plan to import several server's data to a multi-server installation.
    If this tool finds a name that is already present, it UPDATES the data with the SOURCE data!
    If this tool finds a name that you marked as not to overwrite, it either
        - appends a _2, _3 etc. to this name and creates a new entry, or
        - prepends a server prefix if specified by --server-prefix argument
    Do you want to change reserved names now? (y, n): y
    You currently have 0 FTP username name(s) marked:
    You can now add further names to this list. Just enter them one by one or provide a comma-separated list.
    To delete one or more names from the list, prepend a /DELETE to your input.
    To clear all names from the list, type /CLEAR.
    A blank input proceeds to the next step.
    Your choice : 
    You currently have 0 Database username name(s) marked:
    You can now add further names to this list. Just enter them one by one or provide a comma-separated list.
    To delete one or more names from the list, prepend a /DELETE to your input.
    To clear all names from the list, type /CLEAR.
    A blank input proceeds to the next step.
    Your choice : 
    You currently have 0 Database name name(s) marked:
    You can now add further names to this list. Just enter them one by one or provide a comma-separated list.
    To delete one or more names from the list, prepend a /DELETE to your input.
    To clear all names from the list, type /CLEAR.
    A blank input proceeds to the next step.
    Your choice : 
    You currently have 0 Client/Reseller name name(s) marked:
    You can now add further names to this list. Just enter them one by one or provide a comma-separated list.
    To delete one or more names from the list, prepend a /DELETE to your input.
    To clear all names from the list, type /CLEAR.
    A blank input proceeds to the next step.
    Your choice : 
    You currently have 0 Mail login name(s) marked:
    You can now add further names to this list. Just enter them one by one or provide a comma-separated list.
    To delete one or more names from the list, prepend a /DELETE to your input.
    To clear all names from the list, type /CLEAR.
    A blank input proceeds to the next step.
    Your choice : 
    WARNING! client templates can not be imported!
    All imported clients will have their correct limits but no template assigned!
    Further things that will NOT be imported:
        - getmail accounts
        - APS information about installed APS packages
    --- press ENTER if you have understood this and want to continue ---
    What is the database name of your SOURCE ISPConfig 3 installation? [dbispconfig]: 
    Reading Reseller entries ...                                                           
    Warning: Use of undefined constant PRIO_INFO - assumed 'PRIO_INFO' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /root/migration/v71/includes/modules/ on line 544
    Do you want to migrate only some services or everything?                               
    Valid services are: client, web, mail, ftp, database, cronjob, dns, billing           
    Please enter one or more services (comma-separated) or leave blank for all: 
    Should I try to keep the existing IDs for clients, webs etc. (IDs will still change if old ID is taken already)? (y, n): 
    All entries read.                                                                     
    Starting API calls.
    Processing of entries done.                                                           
    Migration tool run completed.
  9. Tom John

    Tom John Active Member HowtoForge Supporter

    thank you yes this was the error. Now i am running the migration tool on the source server.
    when i run the dry version of the script i get the following error:
    Testing MySQL connection ... OK
    Testing target server's MySQL setting ...Warning
    Warning Your max_allowed_packet setting is < 128M (16M). DB import might fail.
    how can i fix this?

    Then the script is starting but is shows only some domains and website, there are much more on the server. Is this because its a dry running? or why do i miss the other domains? i have 16 domains running in the VPS.
    Starting API calls.
    [2/2] <Client> processing saul (C2)                           
    [14/14] <Domain> processing     
    [14/14] <Website> processing www     
    [2/2] <MailDomain> processing               
    [2/2] <MailUser> processing [email protected]...
    [4/4] <Spamfilter> processing [email protected]           
    [15/15] <DBUser> processing c1thailand                         
    [15/15] <Database> processing c1thailand                       
    Processing of entries done.                                                 
    thanks a lot for help me.
  10. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The tool should show all domains in dry run as well, so you have more than 14 websites on the server? Please contact the Migration tool support directly so we can help you to find out why not all domains show up in the log:

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