Hi, looking into purchasing this script to help migrate to VM server. This is required as current gen 1 VM does support latest debian so can't upgrade the VM, but need to move to new Gen2 VM. My host will allow me free of charge a period where i have both gen1 and gen1 running so i can do the migration, thing is they want to give me new IP addresses. Can this script handle change of IP addresses? Also i wish to move from mysql to MariaDB, if i install MariaDB on new server will script handle this or will i need to manully intervene? thanks
When you use * in the IP field of the websites, then no IP changes are required. If you have a specific IP selected in a website and not *, then the migrator will convert it to * on the new server so that the site will work there. In case that you want to switch a site back to a new IP address later (e.g. if you want to use ssl for one site without SNI), then you will have to set the new Ip after the migration. But normally * in the IP field for websites should be fine. That's no problem. The script migrates the website databases with the MySQL tools, so a switch to a newer MySQL or MariaDB version is ok.
Before switching from MySQL to MariaDB you might want to check which version of MySQL you are running and read MariaDBs switching instructions. However at least one person in this board lately did move from debian 7 to 8 where 7 had mysql and 8 mariadb installed and had issues with lost data and invalid charachters in his storage. I wouldn't recommend switching to MariaDB if your not using the same reference version of MySQL except you did a dump of your data to .sql files. At least I would recommend to test that before you shut down your old server for migration.
The migration tool dumps the data as .sql files and then imports them into MariaDB on the new server, so a switch from MySQL to MariaDB is not a problem when the tool is used. I second that The migration tool uses a 2 step approach for that, the first step imports the configuration into the new ispconfig server by using the ISPConfig remote API. During config migration, a shell script is written on the old server that contains commands to migrate the website, email and database data into the new server and to replace paths were nescessary. This shel script is then copied to the new server and when you execute it, it copies over the data. The old server is running without interuption during the whole migration process, so there is no outage. After you copied the data with that shell script, test the new server. When you are satisfied, just run the data copy shell script again to copy the file and database changes that occurred on the old system in the meantime to the new system. Then you can switch over the IP or change DNS (and redirect traffic with iptables).