ISPConfig Multiserver double Panel with replication problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by IntrISP, Oct 16, 2024.

  1. IntrISP

    IntrISP New Member

    I have started a cluster of Panel Panel-backup servers, web01 and web02.
    From the Ispconfig multiserver Debian10 guide

    I installed keepalive on both web servers and this configuration works fine.
    However, I have a problem with keepalive on panel and panel-backup servers
    I added an entry to hosts Panel-backup Panel

    where is the keepalive VIP ip address.

    Additionally, I added the mySQL master-master database replication configuration.
    The problem occurs when adding a website or other action in the ISPConfig Panel.
    Cron jobs are not executed.
  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    AFAIK ISPConfig only supports single panel not multiple, but, you may however have multiple web (or other) servers, with one may mirror another and you can also use something like unison so the web server files are kept in sync.

    It is also best to use their own mysql which is built in each and every ISPConfig server as it is supported, easier, safer and faster instead of attempting master-master replication.
  3. IntrISP

    IntrISP New Member

    I use master-slave replication in the case of a panel-web01 connection
    I have no problem with web servers.
    However, I would like to ensure high availability for the Panel. Is there any possibility to cope with this? I need high availability to be able to update the Panel server without technical interruption
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you want to make the panel UI highly available, you must make its database highly available. Then, several copies of the panel (ISPConfig interface part) connect to it, and all slave nodes must connect to this highly available database too. As the database of the master is the central point where all GUI copies must connect to and also the slave nodes will fetch updates from there once a minute. In general, such an HA setup will likely cause you more downtimes in the long run than having a single GUI + MySQL instance plus a good backup strategy, e.g. using virtualization and snapshots. Especially, as slave nodes are not affected if the GUI node is down.

    If the server process is not processing changes, then either the ID's of changes get messed up in your setup or there are connection problems. What happens in detail can be seen with the debug mode. But You should really consider to not set the GUI up as HA as a GUI downtime has no effect on the overall setup, it just means that users can not do changes while its down. And when you have a good backup strategy based on virtualization which allows you to restore the GUI node within a few minutes, you can get very good uptime stats.
    ahrasis likes this.
  5. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    I would use Proxmox high availability setup while having ISPConfig servers in its VMs rather than replicating ISPConfig servers itself because its HA setup is solid. And even without using its HA setup, its virtualization system allows you to easily backup and restore quickly all your ISPConfig servers.
    Taleman and till like this.

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