Hello... I have a domainname like hello.nl. I've installed all thinggs correctly and it works all great! The only thing I can't find is... I want to add a user witch automatically gets (example) http://jack.hello.nl with FTP account and a Mail Account. But for some reason i can't create subdomains. The DNS Server is runned by the domain registrar. Is it needed to run my own DNS (I run my own DNS but don't use it because my domain registrar has the DNS running). Anyone can help me to add a user... And that user will get jack.hello.nl as subdomain with FTP account (that's not so hard, but the subdomain's.. can't get them working)... I think this is a feature of ISPConfig... But can't find it anyways.
1st you will need to create an A record jack (at the place that is running your DNS). It needs to point to the server's IP. *or if not the same IP use the IP of the FTP / mail server Theoraticaly your FTP and mail should now work as the A record 'jack' is now pointing to the server IP If not, you have 2 options. Option1 If you want jack.hello.nl to point to the same web site as hello.nl you will need to go (withing ISPconfig) ISP manager > the-domain-you-created > Co-Domains > New. In Hostname enter jack In Domain enter hello.nl Option2 If you want jack.hello.nl to be different as hello.nl you will need to create a new site. Withing ISPconfig, select new site, and follow the setup wizzard. Make sure that you change the www part to jack Veel succes er mee.
Newbie I don't succeed to make a working subdomain , here is my example: Owner: goofy Host: goofy domain: zzz.dnsalias.com no one co-domain www-data are in /var/www/web1/user/web1_goofy/web but calling goofy.zzz.dnsalias.com apache looks in /var/www/web1/web Note: in /var/www there is a link goofy.zzz.dnsalias.com ---> /var/www/web1/web
Update Looking at Vhosts_ispconfig.conf I see that the problem can be in apache configuration: Code: DocumentRoot /var/www/web1/web But... this file is automatically edit by ISPConfig... why doesn't work? Subdomain as separate site is out of ISPConfig behavior? Or there is an error in proftpd configuration? But also WEB-FTP bring me to /var/www/web1/user/web1_goofy/web
Perhaps I misunderstand the therms subdomain and codomain... I would have the possibility to create more sites under my dyndns-domain: if I have zzz.dnsalias.com, I like to create goofy.zzz.dnsalias.com michey.zzz.dnsalias.com minnie.zzz.dnsalias.com .... so to have "web-slots" to test some (php) sites. I found ISPConfig and I believed that was the correct tool... wasn't it?
ISPConfig is the correct tool. To do this, add a new website with: hostname: goofy domain: zzz.dnsalias.com For the next website use: hostname: goofy domain: michey.dnsalias.com and do not cahnge any apache config files manually. To your FTP problem, you must enable the "administrator" checkbox for the user that you use to upload files to your website.
Uhmmm, ok... but this solution needs more accounts to dyndns... (I'm not working on, so I use free account). I was thinking to use the DNS wilcard option and the apache virtual domain, so to keep the same master domain "zzz.dnsalias.com" and change the 4 level domain... isn't it possible? Thanks for the quick and nightly reply
Ok, ok, works! My first configuration was ok: the trouble was in the FTP setting (no administrator) Thanks to all of you for the help.
Well.. I have set up a site with hostname: sjoek domain: maryk.nl then co-domain hostname sjoek domain maryk.nl ISPConfig creates a symlink from /web11 to /sjoek.maryk.nl so that should be fine The only problem is, i can't reach sjoek.maryk.nl... What do I do wrong. I don't host the DNS is that needed in order to create subdomains with ISPConfig?
You will have to tell your provider which hosts the DNS for maryk.nl to create a A-Record for sjoek.maryk.nl pointing to the IP address of your server.
As you can read in other posts I'm a newbie... so I can tell you only what works and not why My configuration seems very like the your: I too keep DNS service of ISPConfig offline and the subdomains seem to work correctly.
can't i create a A record with "*.maryk.nl." so all subdomains will be forwarded. Apache kan handle the rest i think?