ISPConfig - newsletter to customers and tickets...

Discussion in 'General' started by mspIggy, Jul 6, 2008.

  1. mspIggy

    mspIggy New Member


    slowly and surely i am setting up ubuntu server / ISPConfig

    i am wondering if this application has a 'newsletter' feature for 'customers' -

    also wondering if there is a built in support request or 'trouble-ticket' system..

    if not - is there a way to add a newsletter feature for active web sites?

    thank you
  2. torusturtle

    torusturtle Member

    1. There is now newsletter feature.

    These php programs can easily added on your server:
    Simple Mailing List

    The first one works within minutes.
    The second one has much more features but needs more time to setup.

    2. There is a Ticket system

    Although it is not very powerful. Check it and if it is not good enough there are many good options around.

    First two are open source and easy to setup.
    The last one is not open source but there is a free version available. I use it and I'm very happy with it.
  3. Stanev

    Stanev New Member

    Yes it has ticket system, look in help menu

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