I had set it up and was working fine. My server (without ISPconfig) is www.banzaiwebstudio.com I also had a testing web site which was www.banzaiwebhosting.com Both was working fine for over 5 days. However today something has happened and the ISPconfig just stopped working. When i access my server on www.banzaiwebstudio.com it appears the "Shared IP page". If I access the www.banzaiwebhosting.com, it also display the "Shared IP page". my ifconfig file is: My Vhosts_ispconfig.conf: my ls -la /root/ispconfig/ : my tail /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/ispconfig.log: my httpd -t: Any help?
Is Vhosts_ispconfig.conf included at the end of your main Apache configuration? Please remove the IP from your ISPConfig configuration because it is not listed in the output of ifconfig.
I found the problem, it was on vhosts_ispconfig.conf The problem was: ServerAlias pointing to www.banzaiwebhosting.com so i changed to: ServerAlias pointing to banzaiwebhosting.com However there is a way to do this automatically not manually?
Nver edit the file vhosts_ispconfig.conf manually, ispconfig will remove your change automatically! You just missed to add a co-domain banzaiwebhosting.com with empty hostname field to the website www.banzaiwebhosting.com