ISPconfig problem - The perfect server Ubuntu 8.04

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by charles, May 18, 2008.

  1. charles

    charles Banned

    Hello everyone.

    I followed the "The perfect server - Ubuntu Hardy Heron" tutorial, and I got my server running, I can access to it from the internet, but I can't access the ISPconfig panel. I tried the address provided in the tutorial, adding the "https" and ":81", like, but I get an error and I can't connect to it. Here's a screenshot in Firefox:


    I remember that the installation of ispconfig asked me whether I wanted to use https or http to connect to the admin panel, I chose https, is this a way to revert to http? Or should I stay with https for security and try to solve this error?
    Thanks a lot.
  2. bswinnerton

    bswinnerton New Member

    Looks like you're using firefox 3. Try using a different browser or firefox 2.0. When you first set up ISPConfig (Right before it asks you to use http or https) it asks you a few questions about creating the self signed certificate.

    So you have to add the self signed certificate to your trusted certificates on your computer, and I know i've had trouble doing that in firefox 3.

    Also, Just a disclamer... Since you chose https, you will not be able to set up any ssl certificates on your other sites (unless you set up the site with another external ip). You can find information on changing it back to http here.
    Last edited: May 18, 2008
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

  4. charles

    charles Banned

    Ok, thanks to you both, I have managed to enter the admin panel, and now I am changing the default ports for apache and ISPconfig, I did it, tested it and everything seems to be working ok, but now I noticed that inside the ISPconfig "Services" panel, it says "Web-server: Offline". Could this be because I changed the default port that ISPconfig can't find the web server? As I said, if I type localhost:5555, being 5555 the apache port, I can look at my server without problems. Should I tell ISPconfig what port is Apache using? Thanks a lot for the help.
  5. bswinnerton

    bswinnerton New Member

    Hmm, If you're wondering on how to tell ISPConfig which port your running apache on, that will be a question for Falko.

    But can you check the status of apache by running:

    /etc/init.d/apache2 status (Debian Based)


    /etc/rc.d/init.d/apache2 status (RH Based)

    Keep in mind that the apache server for ISPConfig and the apache server for your websites are different. Your ISPConfig console could be up and running fine on port 5555 but your websites could all not be running (Which I think may be the case). So please post on what the status of apache is.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Yes. ISPConfig polls port 80 to check if Apache is running. But you can ignore this if you know that Apache is running on another port.

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