Hi all 1/ anybody has experience with ISPConfig + ProFTPD + mod_digest add-on? Code: ( The mod_digest is an add-on module for ProFTPD which offers several hash functions which can be used to verify the file integrity. The module implements the following features: XCRC, XMD5, XSHA1 and XSHA256.) 2/ my friend compile ProFTPD with mod_digest in ISPConfig 2 for me a 2 years ago. Everything was ok, but now it don't work. I do not know exactly when it stopped work. Maybe ISPConfig restart or something like this broke it, but I dont know about anything.... When I run ProFTPD in debugmode with: Code: proftpd -nd6 then I try call XSHA1 feture from my FTP client and I get these error (XSHA1 function is supported, ProFTPD it send to FTP client when session start) Code: ProFTPD terminating (signal 11) FTP session closed . This error code is a little hard to track, some info is there: http://www.proftpd.org/docs/howto/Debugging.html Any idea how track this problem? Maybe compile ProFTPD with this??? Code: ./configure --enable-devel=stacktrace ... But Im not a LINUX guru and Im a little afraid I will break whole ProFTPD or ISPConfig 1/ Is there SAFE WAY how backup old ProFTPD and all settings? 2/ Can anybody tell me how I can compile new version ProFTPD + mod_digest and ALL other necessary mods or settings which is important for ISPConfig? 3/ Maybe is good to know that I still have original source dir from which my friend compiled ProFTPD 2 years ago, but I dont know if he was use some command line settings 4/ or is there another known plugin for hash? My FTP client (TotalCommander) know this methods XSHA1, XMD5, MD5, XCRC 5/ any other idea? What I need? I need compare two dir via FTP without downlading all data. I WELCOME ANY HELP