ISPConfig Queue not working

Discussion in 'General' started by iceget, Nov 4, 2021.

  1. iceget

    iceget Member

    dear community,

    i want change now for one domain the php version from 7.4 to 8 (it always has worked), but now the queue dont work again.
    i got the red numbers but these not counting down.

    here are my log:
    04.11.2021-16:14 - WARNING - There is already a lockfile set, but no process running with this pid (4857). Continuing.
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - Calling function 'check_phpini_changes' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by action 'server_plugins_loaded'.
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - Found 11 changes, starting update process.
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - Calling function 'ssl' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_update'.
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_update'.
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr -i '/var/www/clients/client38/web106' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/clients/client38/web106' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: df -T '/var/www/clients/client38/web106'|awk 'END{print $2,$NF}' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'setquota' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: setquota -u 'web106' '0' '0' 0 0 -a &> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: setquota -T -u 'web106' 604800 604800 -a &> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/clients/client38/web106' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'apache2ctl' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'apache2ctl' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'apache2ctl' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr -i '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - Creating fastcgi starter script: /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-16:14 - DEBUG - Enable SSL for:

    <Directory /var/www/>
    AllowOverride None
    Require all denied

    <VirtualHost *:80>

    DocumentRoot /var/www/

    ServerAdmin [email protected]

    ErrorLog /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/

    Alias /error/ "/var/www/"
    ErrorDocument 400 /error/400.html
    ErrorDocument 401 /error/401.html
    ErrorDocument 403 /error/403.html
    ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.html
    ErrorDocument 405 /error/405.html
    ErrorDocument 500 /error/500.html
    ErrorDocument 502 /error/502.html
    ErrorDocument 503 /error/503.html

    <Directory /var/www/>
    # Clear PHP settings of this website
    <FilesMatch ".+\.ph(p[345]?|t|tml)$">
    SetHandler None
    Options +SymlinksIfOwnerMatch
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
    <Directory /var/www/clients/client38/web106/web>
    # Clear PHP settings of this website
    <FilesMatch ".+\.ph(p[345]?|t|tml)$">
    SetHandler None
    Options +SymlinksIfOwnerMatch
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

    # suexec enabled
    <IfModule mod_suexec.c>
    SuexecUserGroup web106 client38
    # php as fast-cgi enabled
    # For config options see:
    <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
    IdleTimeout 300
    ProcessLifeTime 3600
    # MaxProcessCount 1000
    DefaultMinClassProcessCount 0
    DefaultMaxClassProcessCount 10
    IPCConnectTimeout 3
    IPCCommTimeout 600
    BusyTimeout 3600
    <Directory /var/www/>
    <FilesMatch "\.php[345]?$">
    SetHandler fcgid-script
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php3
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php4
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php5
    Options +ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted
    <Directory /var/www/clients/client38/web106/web>
    <FilesMatch "\.php[345]?$">
    SetHandler fcgid-script
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php3
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php4
    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php5
    Options +ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    Require all granted

    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/
    RewriteRule ^ - [END]

    can anybody helps me?

    thank you so much.
    many greets

    latest ispconfig version on debian 9.13

    thank you
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    The portion of log output you show doesn't indicate any error, run from the command prompt and you might have some more output.

    See the read before posting post under 'ISPConfig is not writing changes to disk' and at the top, on how to post output in code blocks.
  3. iceget

    iceget Member

    Hello, thank you for your reply.
    the tool outputs this:
    ##### SERVER #####
    IP-address (as per hostname): ***.***.***.***
    [WARN] could not determine server's ip address by ifconfig
    [INFO] OS version is Debian GNU/Linux 9.13 (stretch)
    [INFO] uptime:  20:14:02 up  3:56,  1 user,  load average: 0,32, 0,39, 0,32
    [INFO] memory:
                  total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
    Mem:           3,9G        1,7G        398M        871M        1,9G        1,1G
    Swap:          8,0G        668M        7,3G
    [INFO] ISPConfig is installed.
    ##### ISPCONFIG #####
    ISPConfig version is 3.2.7p1
    [WARN] Could not use mysql command line to connect to the database. Check your mysql config!
    ##### VERSION CHECK #####
    [INFO] php (cli) version is 8.0.12
    [INFO] php-cgi (used for cgi php in default vhost!) is version 8.0.12
    ##### PORT CHECK #####
    ##### MAIL SERVER CHECK #####
    [INFO] I found the following web server(s):
        Apache 2 (PID 1070)
    [INFO] I found the following mail server(s):
        Postfix (PID 1253)
    [INFO] I found the following pop3 server(s):
        Dovecot (PID 805)
    [INFO] I found the following imap server(s):
        Dovecot (PID 805)
    [INFO] I found the following ftp server(s):
        PureFTP (PID 1299)
    ##### LISTENING PORTS #####
    Server)        ()
    Local        (Address)
    [anywhere]:993        (805/dovecot)
    [anywhere]:995        (805/dovecot)
    [localhost]:8999        (713/php-fpm:)
    [localhost]:10024        (1173/amavisd-new)
    [localhost]:10025        (1253/master)
    [localhost]:9001        (714/php-fpm:)
    [localhost]:10026        (1173/amavisd-new)
    [localhost]:10027        (1253/master)
    [anywhere]:587        (1253/master)
    [localhost]:11211        (716/memcached)
    [anywhere]:110        (805/dovecot)
    [anywhere]:143        (805/dovecot)
    [anywhere]:111        (566/rpcbind)
    [anywhere]:465        (1253/master)
    [anywhere]:21        (1299/pure-ftpd)
    ***.***.***.***:53        (711/named)
    [localhost]:53        (711/named)
    [anywhere]:22        (771/sshd)
    [anywhere]:25        (1253/master)
    [localhost]:953        (711/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:443        (1070/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:993        (805/dovecot)
    *:*:*:*::*:995        (805/dovecot)
    *:*:*:*::*:10024        (1173/amavisd-new)
    *:*:*:*::*:3306        (953/mysqld)
    *:*:*:*::*:10026        (1173/amavisd-new)
    *:*:*:*::*:587        (1253/master)
    [localhost]10        (805/dovecot)
    [localhost]43        (805/dovecot)
    [localhost]11        (566/rpcbind)
    *:*:*:*::*:80        (1070/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:8080        (1070/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:465        (1253/master)
    *:*:*:*::*:8081        (1070/apache2)
    *:*:*:*::*:21        (1299/pure-ftpd)
    *:*:*:*::*:53        (711/named)
    *:*:*:*::*:22        (771/sshd)
    *:*:*:*::*:25        (1253/master)
    *:*:*:*::*:953        (711/named)
    ##### IPTABLES #####
    Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    f2b-dovecot-pop3imap  tcp  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            multiport dports 110,995,143,993
    f2b-pureftpd  tcp  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            multiport dports 21
    f2b-postfix-sasl  tcp  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            multiport dports 25
    f2b-sshd   tcp  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0            multiport dports 22
    Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    Chain f2b-dovecot-pop3imap (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    RETURN     all  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain f2b-postfix-sasl (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    RETURN     all  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain f2b-pureftpd (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    RETURN     all  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    Chain f2b-sshd (1 references)
    target     prot opt source               destination         
    RETURN     all  --  [anywhere]/0            [anywhere]/0           
    ##### LET'S ENCRYPT #####
    Certbot is installed in /opt/

    then the output of
    04.11.2021-20:12 - WARNING - There is already a lockfile set, but no process running with this pid (2811). Continuing.
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - Calling function 'check_phpini_changes' from plugin 'webserver_plugin' raised by action 'server_plugins_loaded'.
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - Found 11 changes, starting update process.
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - Calling function 'ssl' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_update'.
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - Calling function 'update' from plugin 'apache2_plugin' raised by event 'web_domain_update'.
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr -i '/var/www/clients/client38/web106' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/clients/client38/web106' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: df -T '/var/www/clients/client38/web106'|awk 'END{print $2,$NF}' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'setquota' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: setquota -u 'web106' '0' '0' 0 0 -a &> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: setquota -T -u 'web106' 604800 604800 -a &> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/clients/client38/web106' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'apache2ctl' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'apache2ctl' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: which 'apache2ctl' 2> /dev/null - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr -i '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - Creating fastcgi starter script: /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - safe_exec cmd: chattr +i '/var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter' - return code: 0
    04.11.2021-20:12 - DEBUG - Enable SSL for:
    <Directory /var/www/>
            AllowOverride None
                    Require all denied
    <VirtualHost *:80>
                                        DocumentRoot /var/www/
            ServerAdmin [email protected]
            ErrorLog /var/log/ispconfig/httpd/
            Alias /error/ "/var/www/"
            ErrorDocument 400 /error/400.html
            ErrorDocument 401 /error/401.html
            ErrorDocument 403 /error/403.html
            ErrorDocument 404 /error/404.html
            ErrorDocument 405 /error/405.html
            ErrorDocument 500 /error/500.html
            ErrorDocument 502 /error/502.html
            ErrorDocument 503 /error/503.html
            <Directory /var/www/>
                    # Clear PHP settings of this website
                    <FilesMatch ".+\.ph(p[345]?|t|tml)$">
                            SetHandler None
                    Options +SymlinksIfOwnerMatch
                    AllowOverride All
                                    Require all granted
            <Directory /var/www/clients/client38/web106/web>
                    # Clear PHP settings of this website
                    <FilesMatch ".+\.ph(p[345]?|t|tml)$">
                            SetHandler None
                    Options +SymlinksIfOwnerMatch
                    AllowOverride All
                                    Require all granted
            # suexec enabled
            <IfModule mod_suexec.c>
                SuexecUserGroup web106 client38
            # php as fast-cgi enabled
        # For config options see:
            <IfModule mod_fcgid.c>
                    IdleTimeout 300
                    ProcessLifeTime 3600
                    # MaxProcessCount 1000
                    DefaultMinClassProcessCount 0
                    DefaultMaxClassProcessCount 10
                    IPCConnectTimeout 3
                    IPCCommTimeout 600
                    BusyTimeout 3600
            <Directory /var/www/>
                    <FilesMatch "\.php[345]?$">
                        SetHandler fcgid-script
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php3
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php4
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php5
                    Options +ExecCGI
                    AllowOverride All
                                    Require all granted
            <Directory /var/www/clients/client38/web106/web>
                    <FilesMatch "\.php[345]?$">
                        SetHandler fcgid-script
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php3
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php4
                    FCGIWrapper /var/www/php-fcgi-scripts/web106/.php-fcgi-starter .php5
                    Options +ExecCGI
                    AllowOverride All
                                    Require all granted
            RewriteEngine on
            RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/
            RewriteRule ^ - [END]
    what can i do here to get ispconfig working?

    thank you so much
  4. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    To confirm, the output includes the actual vhost file content, and then just stops ?
  5. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    You have the wrong default php version set, fix your /etc/alternatives/php* (iirc, debian 9 should be 7.3, but you might double check that), and probably the default php interpreter in apache (possibly mod_php, or you may have that disabled and are using a php-fpm version as the default).
  6. iceget

    iceget Member

    Thank you,

    i got this back:
    root@web01:/etc/alternatives# php -v
    PHP 8.0.12 (cli) (built: Oct 22 2021 12:39:13) ( NTS 
    i have installed via this commands php fpm 8.0.12:
    Path to the PHP FastCGI binary: php-cgi8.0
    Path to the php.ini directory: /etc/php/8.0/cgi/php.ini
    Path to the PHP-FPM init script: php8.0-fpm
    Path to the php.ini directory: /etc/php/8.0/fpm/php.ini
    Path to the PHP-FPM pool directory: /etc/php/8.0/fpm/pool.d
    ${SUDO} apt-get -y install apt-transport-https lsb-release ca-certificates curl
    ${SUDO} wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/php.gpg
    ${SUDO} sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/php.list'
    ${SUDO} apt-get update
    apt-get install php8.0 php8.0-cli php8.0-cgi php8.0-fpm php8.0-gd php8.0-mysql php8.0-imap php8.0-curl php8.0-intl php8.0-pspell php8.0-sqlite3 php8.0-tidy php8.0-xmlrpc php8.0-xsl php8.0-zip php8.0-mbstring php8.0-soap php8.0-opcache php8.0-common php8.0-readline php8.0-xml
    how can i change the default version back to the version before?

    i only need php 8.0.12 as fpm not as default php version.

    can you help me or how can i set it back (default) to the version.

    thank you
  7. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

  8. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Use update-alternatives, eg. see the 'Panel not showing up / script error' section of the 'read before posting' post for examples.
  9. iceget

    iceget Member


    yes i have done this only replaced the 7.4 with 8.X. I have posted the code in my earlier post.
    i have now fixed the problem with update-alternatives and set the php version and php cli to 7.4 (like before).
    it seems that after the installation of fpm 8.X the default version automatic was changed to 8.

    thank you so much for your help, now all working fine. many greets
  10. iceget

    iceget Member

    i have now fixed the problem with update-alternatives and set the php version and php cli to 7.4 (like before).
    it seems that after the installation of fpm 8.X the default version automatic was changed to 8.

    thank you so much for your help, now all working fine. many greets

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