ISPConfig Quota problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kextra1, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. kextra1

    kextra1 Member

    Hello ISPConfig community!

    I'm running Debian Lenny and have run into a quota problem.

    When a web is created through the remoting framework it sets a quota. When I try to raise that quota it shows up in ispconfig however the actual quota is not raised.

    my and quota.user are set at chmod 600

    the owner is and group is set as root.

    Any ideas on how to fix this?

    Thanks guys
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    repquota -avug
    show the correct values?
  3. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    try this

    Hey kextra1, i just noticed u were logged into my VPN, ill shell into your dedicated server and take a looksie of that and ur ispconfig.

    FYI for falko, yes repquota -avug shows the correct value for the web which im assuming is 15gigs set by kextra1, but for the actual ispconfig user which is the admin for that web it shows a quota of 10mb.

    kextra1, I dont want to change any of your configuration without permission however here may be something.

    Have you checked /etc/quotagrpadmins to make sure the user and group are set to root root?

    I dunno, im not to smart with quota systems, falko would be the better advisor than me.

    I hope this helps!

  4. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    Problem solved!

    I found & fixed the problem! It wasnt a problem with ISPConfig kextra...The fix was easy hahaha, you're gonna laugh when you hear what it was kextra1. After all of the checking on the quotas on the shell, finally....I logged into your ispconfig admin panel and checked it out.

    It seems your user customer set a 10MB quota limit for their webadmin user/email account hehehehe

    I set him back to -1 for you ;) might consider adding a quota note on the signup email that is sent to new customers.

    That was funny :)

    I would like to know how to get quota emails to be sent to the ispconfig webadmin instead of the server admin's email.

    Can anyone shed some light on that?

    Hehehe, anyways... PROBLEM SOLVED!

    Talk to u later lil' cousin

  5. kextra1

    kextra1 Member


    Thanks Jake, but i just spoke with the client and he said he didnt set it to 10mb.

    He signed up using the autosignup script you made for me. I just created a fake domain signup thing the way u showed me and it automatically set the admin web user at 10 MB :(

    What php file do i have to edit? Can you do it for me please?

    How did you know I was on here?

    Thanks again
  6. khayjake

    khayjake Member

    asking the man fal to the kizo! It could be!


    What is the variable for the webadmin user's quota?

    I think $web_adminuserid is for the remoting frameworks created web admin.. but not sure what the variable is to set the webadmin user quota variable is...perhaps i should download the remoting examples and see if its in there.

    You are right kextra1, i should have written that autosignup from scratch instead of modding out this one.

    You still breakdancing kid? I am hosting a competition in November. As for this problem, I need to just remember what variables do what with the remoting framework :) It's been awhile cuz!

    What's the ISPConfig 2 development page do you know?

    I'm working on it right now k1


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