ISPCONFIG Request PHPBB self installer

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by main3, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. main3

    main3 New Member

    Here is and Idea that would help.

    Would it be possible for some one to create something like Fantasio so customer could self install certain forum’s.


    This to me would help a lot.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. Hendrikus Postma

    Hendrikus Postma New Member

    Auto Installer

    This would be an great feature.

    I'm using ISPConfig for several intranet solutions, we like give the posibility to install some packages like Joomla, Joomla + Joomlaboard, Joomla + DOCman, SugarCRM, WebERP, and some others. Now we have to go on-site or dial-in to install these packages.

    I'm just a simple user, but isn't it posible to have all programs installed into /srv/www/web0/www/joomla1

    When the user is creating a new website they can choose witch available programs they want to copy to the .../web1/, .../web2/ ao domains they create.

    In my opinion we only need to create a database and copy some modified conf files, or am I wrong?

    I had a look at , this seems to be a great solution, but it confuse me, is it so difficult ?? I ask a PHP programmer to greate the solution as I described, but when I see their difficulties I think it better to stop him.

    Is the Fantasio-like functionality planned into new releases of ISP-Config?

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This might be sufficient for some CMS systems, but in most cases you will have to create the database, fill it with individual values depending n the installation directory, create the config files, chmod / chown files and directories etc.

    It is not planned yet by the core developers, but if someone writes such an application for ISPConfig, we will integrate it.
  5. Lellel

    Lellel New Member


    I was looking at the thread: last night. It looked really interessting, an prommising! I was really glad to find something like that to ISP-C.
    But the sad thing is that the projekt appeared to die, or is it still alive? If so, where can i download it to try it?

    Cheers LeLLeL!
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'm not sure if there has ever been a release of this project...

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