ISPconfig Root Domain Problem?

Discussion in 'General' started by Cypsteel, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. Cypsteel

    Cypsteel New Member

    When I go to my main domain:

    I get the apache default "It Works!" page. No content has changed and this was working last friday just fine. There is a wordpress installation on this domain with several subdomains hosting separate wordpress blogs.

    For example: works fine... works fine... doesn't work...

    All of these were working fine last week. No changes have been made...

    I have all entries at godaddy pointing to my external IP. I have port 80 forwarded to internal IP. I have the *. option enabled in ISPconfig for the site. Again, this was working fine last week :(

    How do I go about troubleshooting this? How can I tell what client or web directory its resolving and why?
  2. damir

    damir New Member


    a2dissite default
    /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
  3. Cypsteel

    Cypsteel New Member

    Worked great! Thanks so much!!!

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