Hello, I'm having an issue with Roundcube and the ISPConfig plugin that is for changing the password in roundcube. Since I'm using the Plugin Manager from roundcube I would have to register the plugin with plugin manager. However the Roundcube ISPConfig plugin isn't written for 1.1.1 or Plugin Manager. Are there any plugins available that work with plugin manager that would allow me to change the password for the email account with ISPConfig 3?
I think I found a solution, looks like this will work. https://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail/tree/release-1.0/plugins/password
This will work as long as you have just a small single server as this plugin does not create valid config transations in ISPConfig, so all changes will be ignored on a multiserver setup.
So on a multiserver setup are the mail users stored on the remote server DB for ISPConfig? Is it possible to store all the databases for each server on one vps/dedicated MySQL server? Pretty much have one ispconfig with all users and have the ispconfig connect to that remote DB?
All data is stored in the master db and gets then replicated to the salves automatically. when you change data manually in the db with such a plugin, then the data is recognized as invalid change and the data will not get replicated. This wont be a good idea as your server will get slower, you will introduce a single point of failure so your whole clsuter will be down when there is a problem with the database and you will loose the ability to scale and therefor ispconfig does not support such a setup.
Is there any way to have ISPConfig recognize it as a 'valid' change? Perhaps with some modification to the code somewhere? That way the slaves are updated with the new passwords as well?
Yes, you have to use the ispconfig remote api to change the password. Thats what the ispconfig roundcube plugin is doing.
Is there any documentation on the remote API that I can use as reference, or do I have to read all the code?
Also, if all the data is stored on the master db and then replicated to all the slaves, wouldn't that still cause the master db to become slow? Since all the data is still being stored on that single database? Or does ISPConfig query the db that is on the server for login and password data based on the server the user is configured on? Sorry if these are dumb questions, I have never used ISPConfig before and I'm trying to plan for the future.
No. The master db is not queried by any of the services on the slaves. This is important when you want to have a system that can scale to hundreds of server nodes and this avoids also single points of failures. you can even shitdown the master server at any time without affecting any of the slaves nodes.
Okay Till, thanks for your education. I may fork that repo for the password changer for roundcube and add a ISPConfig driver for it. It would be beneficial to all of us. Have a good morning!
Well, I feel silly. I just tried the ispconfig3 plugin for roundcube and it works perfectly in 1.1.1!