Perfect Server CentOS 8, ISPC 3.2.6, PHP 7.4.27-1, Roundcube Webmail 1.4.3, yum updated less than a week ago I know I can set an autoresponder within ISPConfig for a mail user, but I don't see that option under roundcube when I log into RC as that user (so they could do it themselves if desired). I tested the ISPConfig option, and it works, so that's doable for the few of these I do a year, but is it possible through roundcube, or not as configured? Is there a plugin that needs to be installed for roundcube to do this? Is there one that is preferred or integrates with ISPConfig well? Thanks!
thanks for the quick response - not sure why i didn't find that when searching... your instructions are for Debian 10 - anything majorly different for CentOS 8 other than probable install location or config location?
Just to mention it: your email users can also login directly with their email address and email password into ISPconfig to set up auto responders etc. ISPConfig has a mail user login for that.