Hi. This might be a shot in the dark but, I have a webserver that is quite regularly getting really chocked by mysql, and the main culprit is the root user running: SELECT SUM(data_length+index_length) FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema='somedb' on every db in the database all the time over and over again. I've tried changing the root mysql pass but this still happens and I dont know where its coming from. Is it ispconfig doing this and if so am I able to turn it off? I guess its doing this to log sizes for quotas etc...?
It looks like it is... as part of the cron, it looks to be triggered every 5 minutes from /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/cron.d/100-monitor_database_size.inc.php I could see that being a bit too often if you have a large number of databases on the server. As a TEMPORARY STOP GAP, you could hand edit that file and change the schedule to run that particular part of the cron jobs to "At minute 5 past every 3rd hour" instead of the default which is every 5th minute. Code: # vi /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/cron.d/100-monitor_database_size.inc.php change... // job shedule protected $_schedule = '*/5 * * * *'; to something like.... // job schedule protected $_schedule = '5 */3 * * *'; REMEMBER to save using ':wq' If you want a different time, you can use this tool to figure what it would look like... https://crontab.guru/#1_*/3_*_*_* And, you don't have to use "vi", you can use any of the text editors available on your system to edit the file.