ISPConfig Server behind a Relay (external Spamfilter) for specific domains (not all)

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Dominik, Jan 14, 2025 at 7:51 AM.

  1. Dominik

    Dominik New Member

    is it possible to deactivate the spam check (SPM, DKIM and Dmarc) on the ISPConfig server in the panel for certain domains if the ISPConfig server is behind a relay?
    Or do i have to do this in the cli directly in the rspamd configs.
    So that these errors no longer occur:
    ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1;
    dkim=fail (“body hash did not verify”) header.d=domain... header.s=s1
    spf=fail (ownserver: domain of externaldomain does not designate relay ip as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=externaladress
    dkim=fail (“body hash did not verify”) header.d=externaldomain
    dmarc=fail reason=“No valid SPF” header.from=externaldomain (policy=quarantine);
    spf=fail (ownserver: domain of externaladress does not designate relayip as permitted sender)
    X-Spamd-Bar: ++++++
    X-Spam-Level: ******
    X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=6.69

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is a field "Spamfilter" in the email domain, there you can e.g. select 'Uncensored' as policy.
  3. Dominik

    Dominik New Member

    Hi Till,

    thanks for the help. I choosed there "not enabled" and thougt that this should do the trick.
    But it doesn't work, but with uncensored it work as expected.
    Thanks again for the hint.


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