ispconfig - server migration best way

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by sygram, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. sygram

    sygram Member

    Hi there,

    unfortunately i've installed fedora 6 on my server and in a while it runs out of support. I am buying a new server with centos 5 (support till 2014).
    So my question is what is the easiest way to migrate my websites ?

    I am thinking of the following moves :
    1) get a back up of ispconfig db
    2) install ispconfig on new server
    3) recover the db from the previously backed up file (step 1)
    4) copy and paste all folders under /var/www
    5) migrate all mysql dbs
    6) copy httpd.conf files as well as ISPconfig virtual hosts conf file
    7) copy postfix configuration for emails ?

    also the new server will have new ips so i will have to edit all configuration files like ISPconfig vhosts manually ? and also update ISPconfig from Server Management ?

    8) update my dns settings of the domains to the new server so that it will stop pointing to the old server and go to the new.
    9) remove old server ...

    I would appreciate your opinions ...

    Thank you in advance

  2. Ben

    Ben ISPConfig Developer ISPConfig Developer

    Regarding the IP, I think ISPCOnfig will regenerate the necessary config files when you change the IP in the management interface.
    What you forgot is to think about the stored email, I think it is /var/spool/mail/.

    Another question would be, how to backup the created users.... just extract the users out of the passwd (+ optionally shadow?)
  3. sygram

    sygram Member

    Hi Ben,

    thanks for your reply. Is it only a copy and paste from the passwd file ?

    Best Regards,

  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Generally yes. Make sure that you copy only the users that had been generated by ISPConfig, the usernames have the form "web[ID]_" if you dont changed the username prefix. After you copeid the lines from /etc/passwd you will have to copy the same users in /etc/shadow to the new system and then copy the groups from /etc/groups.

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