I just finished setting up Fedora 3 withthe "How To" and all seems fine, except.... After finishing all the apt & ISPConfig setup, I came across the following problem when rebooting the system again: The screen was stuck at the following position while starting finishing ISPConfig service: ...............[OK] Httpd: cannot find qualified servername,use as servername. ...............[OK] enabling Swap space [OK] (The cursor kept blinking here.) Can anyone give me some hints as how to solve the problem without reinstalling the system or ISPConfig again? Rosa
I almost don't have the same problems as above but my services are not starting up at all and this is know the 3rd time i have re-installed Suse 10.0 i have been doing this with suse 10.0 and ISPConfig 2.1.0... i have manualy restarted the ispconfig (/etc/init.d/ispconfig_server start) and i could access the Admin panel and checked the service area and guess what i do not have ftp and pop3 services are failing i noticed that it creates an account in linux ( admispconfig ) any ideas on why the services are not starting up at all... Peace AngelDrago
My problem is: The screen was stuck at the "enabling Swap space...[OK]" position while rebooting the Fedora system. ie, I don't have the chance to login to Fedora's GUI Screen and manually restart the ISPConfig settings via command line.
ISPConfig service starting erro,please help~~ Thanks for your advice. I have reinstalled the Fedora system,the problem is solved and I am able to log on to the system again.