ISPConfig, SquirrelOutlook and multiple domains

Discussion in 'General' started by s_digicom, Jun 1, 2008.

  1. s_digicom

    s_digicom New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Dear Sirs,
    Attempting to set SquirrelOutlook to work with ISPConfig. Problems that occur are two:
    1.Parameters, which I'm trying to modify and set in plugin VLogin not affect SquirrelOutlook - outgoing mail always comes from ""
    2.When using SquirrelOutlook, outgoing mail always has sender [email protected]

    Using the POP3 - no problems.

    Read a lot of threads in forum and do a lot of googling, still no success.

    I'm using last possible versions of SquirrelOutlook package for ISPConfig(0.3.2), VLogin (3.9.2) and Compatibility plugin (2.0.9)

    Will be grateful for any possible assistance,
    Best regards
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please set the sender address under options for the email account in squirreloutlook.
  3. jerry3687

    jerry3687 New Member

    Make sure the end-user signs in with his "email address" as the username, not the regular user-name.

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