ISPconfig SSL enabling after manual server IP change

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by girthh, Dec 21, 2019.

  1. girthh

    girthh New Member


    ISPconfig SSL/LE checkboxes on new website creation not working after server duplication.

    1. Digital Ocean's integrated "build new droplet from snapshot".
    2. Editing /etc/hosts with new IP.
    3. Pointing domain names to new IP.
    4. Manually updating ISPconfig database Ipv4 & Ipv6 addresses and resync (new IP's show successfully in ISPconfig website creation).

    - Server block gets created successfully with ISPconfig
    - SSL is not getting generated or inserted into server block (for IP or wildcard IP)
    - All old domains successfully still work with HTTPS after migration/suplication.
    - /etc/network/interfaces has new IP's
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2019
  2. girthh

    girthh New Member

    Not quite sure how it was solved.
    I made the website with ISPconfig and wildcard IP (*) before changing the ISPconfig database Ipv4/ipv6 addresses.
    After changing them, deleting the website, and remaking it without wildcard over an hour later it was working.
    Then update to wildcard

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